Personal website build with the Symfony framework & Bootstrap.
- Main components: about me, projects list, contact, etc...
- Account system with permissions
- Warning system
- Dashboard
- Database browser
- Inbox for contact component
- Advanced log system
- install app Requirements
- Clone the repository to your /www directory
- configure apache config like apache-site.conf
- for production use only APP_ENV=prod! (in .env)
- configure app environment in
- install dependencies
composer install && npm install && npm run build
- create database
- migrate database structure
doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
- install opcache (optional)
The complete stack for development is in Docker Compose, including PHP, Node, and Composer. You just need to run the docker-start script.
The new version is deployed automatically using GitHub Actions when a new release is created.
- Apache / Nginx PHP compatible web server
- PHP 8.4
- Symfony
- Bootstrap
- Boxicons
- Fontawesome
- Purecounterjs
- Apexcharts
- PhpunitPrettyPrint
This software is licensed under the MIT license