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gundi GitHub

A generator for discriminated union for C# (based on union in F#)


A union is a value that represents several different cases of a different name or/and type. It is useful for modeling more complex choice types - to express that provided data could be shaped differently. For example, Union TxtOrNumber of a string txt and int number informs, that type can contain a string or int, but never both.

Defining a union

In order to use a generator, there has to be a defined simple union schema:

using Gundi;

namespace MyNamespace

[Union] // Mandatory attribute
public partial record SimpleUnion
    static partial void Cases(int a, string b, decimal c, int? d); // Mandatory function. `static partial void Cases` is a must-have

The Union attribute applies for a partial record (struct and class is NOT ALLOWED). It helps the generator, to identify which types should be enhanced. The Cases method uses specified types and argument names to define union cases.

The generator will generate a partial record which will contain all arguments kept as a private field and some public API:

namespace Gundi.Tests
    partial record SimpleUnion
        // tag which contain info about chosen  case
        private readonly byte tag;
        // private "case" fields
        private readonly System.Int32 a;
        private readonly System.String b;
        private readonly System.Decimal c;
        private readonly System.Int32? d;
        // public API like Map and Match methods
        // (..)


Generated union should contain static argument-named factory function, and simple match & map methods:

var union = SimpleUnion.A(5);
Console.WriteLine(union.IsA()); // prints true
Console.WriteLine(union.IsB()); // prints false

var case = union.Match(a => a.ToString(), b => b, c => c.ToString(), d => d.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(case); // prints 5

var mapped = union.Map(
    a => a + 1,
    b => b[..2],
    c => c + 3,
    d => d + 4);
var mappedCase = mapped.Match(a => a.ToString(), b => b, c => c.ToString(), d => d.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(mappedCase); // prints 6

Union casting

The generator will generate Cast functions, which "force" to get a defined union case or throws an exception. By default, InvalidOperationException is thrown, but there is a possibility to override the type with CustomCastException setting:

[Union(CustomCastException = typeof(MyException))]
public partial record UnionWithCustomException
    static partial void Cases(int a, string b);

The selected type must be an exception with a constructor with three arguments

public class MyException : Exception
    public MyException(
        Type unionType,      // First argument with union type.
        string expectedCase, // Second with a name of an expected case.
        string actualCase)   // Third with a name of a actual case.
        : base($"Wrong {unionType.Name} cast. Expected: {expectedCase}, Actual: {actualCase}")


Due to generating fields and constructor with private modifier, the record can't be deserialized as it is. To resolve this, Gundi provides custom JSON converters which are registered via JsonConverter attribute by default:

[System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter(typeof(UnionJsonConverterFactory))] // assigned by default
[Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter(typeof(UnionJsonNetConverter))] // assigned by default
public partial record SimpleUnion
using System.Text.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

// (...)

var union = SimpleUnion.A(5);

// System.Text.Json:
var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(union);
Console.WriteLine(json); // prints {"Case":"A","Fields":[5]}

var deserialized = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<SimpleUnion>(json);
Console.WriteLine(union == deserialized); // prints true

// Newtonsoft.Json:
var jsonNet = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(union);
Console.WriteLine(jsonNet); // prints {"Case":"A","Fields":[5]}

var deserializedNet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SimpleUnion>(json);
Console.WriteLine(union == deserializedNet); // prints true

// both serializers works in the same way:
Console.WriteLine(json == jsonNet); // prints true
Console.WriteLine(deserialized == deserializedNet); // prints true

If for some reason, you want to disable automatic converter registration, you can use IgnoreJsonConverterAttribute:

[Union(IgnoreJsonConverterAttribute = true)]
public partial record UnionWithIgnoredJsonAttribute
    static partial void Cases((int, string) a, string b);
using System.Text.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

// (...)

// "{"Case":"A","Fields":[{"Item1":5,"Item2":"txt"}]}";
var json = "{\"Case\":\"A\",\"Fields\":[{\"Item1\":5,\"Item2\":\"txt\"}]}";

// System.Text.Json:
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions()
    Converters = {new UnionJsonConverterFactory()},
    IncludeFields = true // mandatory if tuple is serialized

JsonSerializer.Deserialize<UnionWithIgnoredJsonAttribute>(json, options); // works
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<UnionWithIgnoredJsonAttribute>(json); // throws an error

// Newtonsoft.Json:
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
settings.Converters.Add(new UnionJsonNetConverter());

JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UnionWithIgnoredJsonAttribute>(json, settings); // works
JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UnionWithIgnoredJsonAttribute>(json); // throws an error

The serialization model is a composition of two values:

  • Case of string for chosen case information,
  • Fields array to keep the value of a case.

The model is compatible with Newtonosoft.Json's F# union converter and allows for deserializing F# union's JSON directly into generated union:

type FRecord = { X: int; Y: string }
type MyFsharpUnion =
    | A of int          // supports simple type
    | B of string       // supports string
    | F of FRecord      // supports F# record
    | T of string * int // DOES NOT SUPPORT F# tuple
public partial record CSharpUnion
    static partial void Cases(int a, string b, FRecord f, (string, int) t);
using Newtonsoft.Json;

// (...)

var fUnion = MyFsharpUnion.NewA(5);
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fUnion);
Console.WriteLine(json); // prints {"Case":"A","Fields":[5]}

var output = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CSharpUnion>(json);
Console.WriteLine(output!.CastToA() == 5); // prints true

NOTE: F# tuple is NOT supported currently.


Licensed under the MIT License.


Library for generating union-like record







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