LuaCov is a simple coverage analyzer for Lua scripts.
When a Lua script is run with the luacov
module loaded, it generates a stats
file with the number of executions of each line of the script and its loaded
modules. The luacov
command-line script then processes this file generating
a report file which allows one to visualize which code paths were not
traversed, which is useful for verifying the effectiveness of a test suite.
LuaCov is free software and, like Lua, is released under the MIT License.
LuaCov can be downloaded from its Github downloads page.
It can also be installed using Luarocks:
luarocks install luacov
In order to additionally install experimental C extensions that improve performance and analysis accuracy install CLuaCov package instead:
luarocks install cluacov
LuaCov is written in pure Lua and has no external dependencies.
Using LuaCov consists of two steps: running your script to collect coverage
data, and then running luacov
on the collected data to generate a report
(see configuration below for other options).
To collect coverage data, your script needs to load the luacov
Lua module.
This can be done from the command-line, without modifying your script, like
lua -lluacov test.lua
Alternatively, you can add require("luacov")
to the first line of your
Once the script is run, a file called luacov.stats.out
is generated. If the
file already exists, statistics are added to it. This is useful, for
example, for making a series of runs with different input parameters in a test
suite. To start the accounting from scratch, just delete the stats file.
To generate a report, just run the luacov
command-line script. It expects to
find a file named luacov.stats.out
in the current directory, and outputs a
file named
. The script takes the following parameters:
luacov [-c=configfile] [filename...]
For the -c
option see below at configuration. The filenames
(actually Lua patterns) indicate the files to include in the report, specifying
them here equals to adding them to the include
list in the configuration
file, with .lua
extension stripped.
This is an example output of the report file:
1 if 10 > 100 then
*0 print("I don't think this line will execute.")
1 print("Hello, LuaCov!")
Note that to generate this report, luacov
reads the source files. Therefore,
it expects to find them in the same location they were when the luacov
module ran (the stats file stores the filenames, but not the sources
To silence missed line reporting for a group of lines, place inline options
luacov: disable
and luacov: enable
in short comments around them:
-- luacov: disable
-- Lines here are not marked as missed even though they are not covered.
-- luacov: enable
LuaCov saves its stats upon normal program termination. If your program is a
daemon -- in other words, if it does not terminate normally -- you can use the
module or tick
configuration option, which periodically saves
the stats file. For example, to run (on Unix systems) LuaCov on
Xavante, just modify the first line
of xavante_start.lua
so it reads:
#!/usr/bin/env lua -lluacov.tick
or add
tick = true
to .luacov
config file.
LuaCov includes several configuration options, which have their defaults
stored in src/luacov/defaults.lua
. These are the global defaults. To use
project specific configuration, create a Lua script setting options as globals
or returning a table with some options and store it as .luacov
in the project
directory from where luacov
is being run. Alternatively, store it elsewhere
and specify the path in the LUACOV_CONFIG
environment variable.
For example, this config informs LuaCov that only foo
module and its
submodules should be covered and that they are located inside src
modules = {
["foo"] = "src/foo/init.lua",
["foo.*"] = "src"
For a full list of options, see
To generate report file as html document, adjust the .luacov
parameters to
reporter = "html"
reportfile = ""
LuaCov supports custom reporter engines, which are distributed as separate packages. Check them out!
- Cobertura:
- Coveralls:
- Console:
After cloning this repo, these commands may be useful:
luarocks make
to install LuaCov from local sources;busted
to run tests using busted.ldoc .
to regenerate documentation using LDoc.luacheck .
to lint using Luacheck.
LuaCov was designed and implemented by Hisham Muhammad as a tool for testing LuaRocks.