Manga Cork is an annotation website for mangas. Users can pin a comment on a strip of manga for others to see, a bit like posting a note on a notice or pin board.
Get basic website with users and pictures up
- Get a website for manga cork
X Get a domain
X Set it up with nginx
- Create a website using jinja and flask
- Host picture files
- Upload pictures onto nginx image folder
- Link to them with flask
- Move between pictures
- Enable caching to avoid downloading the same picture over and over
Enable comments
Add field for signing up, logging and out
Add forgot password
Setup a database
- Save user and password
- Save comments
- Determine which database to use (redis/posgres?)
Allow users to comment on a particular page
Find API which tags/pins pictures
Connect pins with comment
Enable upvotes
- Setup database query to handle upvotes