REST Client for the Password Manager Passwork written in Go.
The client can currently perform CRUD operations on passwords, folders and vaults.
package main
import ""
func main() {
host := ""
apiKey := "my-secret-api-key"
timeout := time.Second * 30
// Create a new client and log in
client := passwork.NewClient(host, apiKey, timeout)
// Create a vault
vaultRequest := VaultAddRequest{
Name: "example-vault",
IsPrivate: true,
PasswordHash: "example-hash",
Salt: "example-salt",
MpCrypted: "example-mp",
vaultResponse, _ := client.AddVault(vaultRequest)
// Create a password
passwordRequest := PasswordRequest{
Name: "example-password",
VaultId: vaultResponse.Data,
Login: "example-login",
CryptedPassword: "ZXhhbXBsZS1wYXNzd29yZAo=", // Password must be base64 encoded
Description: "example-description",
Url: "",
Color: 1,
Tags: []string{"example", "tag"},
// Logout
go test
// More elaborate
go test -v -cover