This cheatsheet is aimed at the CTF Players and Beginners to help them sort Hack The Box Labs on the basis of Operating System and Difficulty. This list contains all the Hack The Box writeups available on hackingarticles. We have performed and compiled this list on our experience. Please share this with your connections and direct queries and feedback to Pavandeep Singh.
No. | Machine Name | Operating System | Difficulty |
1. | Access | Windows | Easy |
2. | Active | Windows | Easy |
3. | Apocalyst | Linux | Medium |
4. | Aragog | Linux | Medium |
5. | Arctic | Windows | Easy |
6. | Ariekei | Linux | Insane |
7. | Bank | Linux | Easy |
8. | Bart | Windows | Medium |
9. | Bashed | Linux | Easy |
10. | Beep | Linux | Easy |
11. | Blocky | Linux | Easy |
12. | Blue | Windows | Easy |
13. | Bounty | Windows | Easy |
14. | Brainfuck | Linux | Insane |
15. | Calamity | Linux | Hard |
16. | Canape | Linux | Medium |
17. | Carrier | Linux | Medium |
18. | Celestial | Linux | Medium |
19. | Charon | Linux | Hard |
20. | Chatterbox | Windows | Medium |
21. | Crimestoppers | Windows | Hard |
22. | Cronos | Linux | Hard |
23. | Curling | Linux | Easy |
24. | Dab | Linux | Hard |
25. | Devel | Windows | Easy |
26. | DevOops | Linux | Medium |
27. | Dropzone | Windows | Hard |
28. | Enterprise | Linux | Medium |
29. | Europa | Linux | Medium |
30. | Falafel | Linux | Hard |
31. | Fighter | Windows | Insane |
32. | Fluxcapacitor | Linux | Medium |
33. | FriendZone | Linux | Easy |
34. | Frolic | Linux | Easy |
35. | Fulcurm | Linux | Easy |
36. | Giddy | Windows | Medium |
37. | Grandpa | Windows | Easy |
38. | Granny | Windows | Easy |
39. | Haircut | Linux | Medium |
40. | Hawk | Linux | Medium |
41. | Help | Linux | Easy |
42. | Holiday | Linux | Hard |
43. | Inception | Linux | Medium |
44. | Irked | Linux | Easy |
45. | Jail | Linux | Insane |
46. | Jeeves | Windows | Medium |
47. | Jerry | Windows | Easy |
48. | Joker | Linux | Hard |
49. | Kotarak | Linux | Hard |
50. | Lame | Linux | Easy |
51. | Lazy | Linux | Medium |
52. | Legacy | Windows | Easy |
53. | Lightweight | Linux | Medium |
54. | Mantis | Windows | Hard |
55. | Minion | Windows | Insane |
56. | Mirai | Linux | Easy |
57. | Mischief | Linux | Insane |
58. | Netmon | Windows | Easy |
59. | Nibble | Linux | Easy |
60. | Nightmare | Linux | Insane |
61. | Nineveh | Linux | Medium |
62. | Node | Linux | Medium |
63. | October | Linux | Medium |
64. | Olympus | Linux | Medium |
65. | Optimum | Windows | Easy |
66. | Poison | FreeBSD | Medium |
67. | Popcorn | Linux | Medium |
68. | SecNotes | Windows | Medium |
69. | Sense | FreeBSD | Easy |
70. | Shocker | Linux | Easy |
71. | Shrek | Linux | Hard |
72. | Silo | Windows | Medium |
73. | Sneaky | Linux | Medium |
74. | Solid State | Linux | Medium |
75. | Stratosphere | Linux | Medium |
76. | Sunday | Solaris | Easy |
77. | Tally | Windows | Hard |
78. | TartarSauce | Linux | Medium |
79. | Teacher | Linux | Easy |
80. | Tenten | Linux | Medium |
81. | Valentine | Linux | Easy |
82. | Vault | Linux | Medium |
83. | Waldo | Linux | Medium |
84. | Ypuffy | Others | Medium |
85. | Zipper | Linux | Hard |
86. | Luke | Linux | Easy |
87. | Bastion | Windows | Easy |
88. | Heist | Windows | Medium |
89. | Bitlab | Linux | Medium |
90. | Jarvis | Linux | Medium |
91. | Writeup | Linux | Easy |
92. | Networked | Linux | Medium |
93. | Haystack | Linux | Medium |
94. | Postman | Linux | Easy |
95. | Wall | Linux | Medium |
96. | Open Admin Box | Linux | Easy |
97. | Monteverde | Windows | Medium |
98. | Sauna | Windows | Easy |
99. | Conceal | Windows | Hard |
100. | Tabby | Linux | Easy |
101. | Omni | Windows | Easy |
102. | Mango | Linux | Medium |
103. | Servmon | Windows | Easy |
104. | Bastard | Windows | Medium |
105. | Cascade | Windows | Medium |
106. | Traverxec | Linux | Easy |
107. | Forest | Windows | Easy |
108. | Admirer | Linux | Easy |
109. | Blunder | Linux | Easy |
110. | SwagShop | Linux | Easy |
111. | Doctor | Linux | Easy |
112. | Fuse | Windows | Medium |
113. | LaCasaDePapel | Linux | Easy |
114. | Magic | Linux | Medium |
115. | Traceback | Linux | Easy |
116. | Remote | Windows | Easy |
117. | Book | Linux | Medium |
118. | Cache | Linux | Medium |
119. | OpenKeyS | OpenBSD | Medium |
120. | Chaos | Linux | Medium |
121. | Querier | Windows | Medium |
122. | Sniper | Windows | Medium |
123. | Resolute | Windows | Medium |
124. | SneakyMailer | Linux | Medium |
125. | Nest | Windows | Easy |
126. | Jewel | Linux | Medium |
127. | Academy | Linux | Medium |
128. | Passage | Linux | Medium |
129. | Worker | Windows | Medium |
130. | Delivery | Linux | Medium |
131. | Time | Linux | Medium |
132. | Ready | Linux | Medium |
133. | Laboratory | Linux | Easy |
134. | Luanne | OpenBSD | Easy |
135. | Scriptkiddie | Linux | Easy |
136. | Knife | Linux | Easy |
137. | Spectra | Linux | Easy |
138. | Love | Windows | Easy |
139. | Cap | Linux | Easy |
140. | Armageddon | Linux | Medium |
141. | TheNotebook | Linux | Medium |