Builds the mediapipe graph module using cmake, conan, and allows conan packaging for various graphing tasks.
Build the Docker image
cd docker docker build -t x86_u20_cpp_gcc9 -f Dockerfile.x86_u20_gcc9 --no-cache .
Start docker
docker run -v ${PWD}:/mediapipe-lite --name x86_u20_med -it x86_u20_cpp_gcc9:latest -c "cd /mediapipe-lite && bash docker/ && zsh"
Compile the test
# conan install dependencies, run only on first build conan install . --build=missing -pr:h=docker/x86_gcc_profile cd build cmake .. make -j 4 # Declare the path to the dynamic library, unset to run source source # run unit test make test # run object detection example # The model in the config file is at # Download and place in mediapipe/models folder # The test image package can be downloaded from bin/object_detection --calculator_graph_config_file=../examples/desktop/object_detection/object_detection_desktop_live.pbtxt --input_video_path=$IMAGE_DIR --output_video_path=$OUTPUT_DIR # run object detection example with all verbose logs GLOG_v=5 bin/object_detection --calculator_graph_config_file=../examples/desktop/object_detection/object_detection_desktop_live.pbtxt --input_video_path=$IMAGE_DIR --output_video_path=$OUTPUT_DIR
Project Architecture
- libgraph depends only on protobuf, abseil and glog, and is 1.7M in size for x86 environments.
- libframework contains libgraph and other auxiliary projects.
conan package
conan create . --build=missing -s build_type=Release -pr:h=docker/x86_gcc_profile -o 'export_package=True'
Examples of using Graph
See the tutorial folder for example code.
// main.cpp #include "mediapipe/framework/calculator_graph.h" #include "mediapipe/framework/port/logging.h" #include "mediapipe/framework/port/parse_text_proto.h" #include "mediapipe/framework/port/status.h" namespace mediapipe { absl::Status PrintHelloWorld() { // Configures a simple graph, which concatenates 2 PassThroughCalculators. CalculatorGraphConfig config = ParseTextProtoOrDie<CalculatorGraphConfig>(R"pb( input_stream: "in" output_stream: "out" node { calculator: "PassThroughCalculator" input_stream: "in" output_stream: "out1" } node { calculator: "PassThroughCalculator" input_stream: "out1" output_stream: "out" } )pb"); LOG(INFO) << config.DebugString(); CalculatorGraph graph; MP_RETURN_IF_ERROR(graph.Initialize(config)) << "init graph failed"; ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(OutputStreamPoller poller, graph.AddOutputStreamPoller("out")); MP_RETURN_IF_ERROR(graph.StartRun({})); // Give 10 input packets that contains the same string "Hello World!". for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { MP_RETURN_IF_ERROR(graph.AddPacketToInputStream( "in", MakePacket<std::string>("Hello World!").At(Timestamp(i)))); } // Close the input stream "in". MP_RETURN_IF_ERROR(graph.CloseInputStream("in")); mediapipe::Packet packet; // Get the output packets string. while (poller.Next(&packet)) { LOG(INFO) << packet.Get<std::string>(); } return graph.WaitUntilDone(); } } // namespace mediapipe int main(int argc, char** argv) { google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); FLAGS_stderrthreshold=google::INFO; FLAGS_colorlogtostderr=true; mediapipe::PrintHelloWorld().ok(); return 0; }
target_link_libraries(new_node PUBLIC
target_link_libraries(hello_world PUBLIC
Note: Since stream_handler, calculator in mediapipe are called dynamically by registering them with a registrar, there are two ways to make sure the registered classes are available in the final executable.
- compile the handler, the used calculator into static libraries and force linking of all symbols by passing a parameter to ld, as in the above cmake operation for the stream_handler library
- compile the source code of the handler and calculator implementations directly with the target files, as in the test_package example.
Running output
I20230721 17:08:09.523499 140015] node {
calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
input_stream: "in"
output_stream: "out1"
node {
calculator: "PassThroughCalculator"
input_stream: "out1"
output_stream: "out"
input_stream: "in"
output_stream: "out"
I20230721 17:08:09.525810 140015] Hello World!
I20230721 17:08:09.525838 140015] Hello World!
I20230721 17:08:09.525846 140015] Hello World!
I20230721 17:08:09.525852 140015] Hello World!
I20230721 17:08:09.525859 140015] Hello World!
I20230721 17:08:09.525866 140015] Hello World!
I20230721 17:08:09.525872 140015] Hello World!
I20230721 17:08:09.525879 140015] Hello World!
I20230721 17:08:09.525885 140015] Hello World!
I20230721 17:08:09.525892 140015] Hello World!
- Clean up redundant code step by step
- Add doc, CI, CD, CT, code formatting checking and other related processes.
- Improve tutorials and code examples
- Add pipieline test benchmark.
- Improve python interface, allow adding python node.