Warning Hic Sunt Dracones
This project is in its infancy and this repository is far from being useful.
A path tracer hobby project. Part of this project follows the book series Raytracing in One Weekend.
These are some examples of the current capabilities of this path tracer. Click on the images for full-size previews.
Currently, the program supports diffuse and lambertian objects, as well as different metals and simple dielectrics like glass.
Different effects like depth of field and linear motion blur can be simulated.
HDRIs or environment maps can be used for scenes without light-emmitting objects. (The below images were produced with the same amount of samples, notice the noise difference between the brighter and darker environments.)
The raytracer currently supports some procedural textures (e.g. checker pattern and perlin noise) and image textures.
To ensure the recognition by computer graphics researchers. Notice the immense amount of noise.
The texture at /resources/earth.png
is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Image by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Reto Stöckli, Robert Simmon). Data: MODIS Groups, USGS, DMSP.