Disclaimer No.1: VirusTotal states, "57/58 scanners, including Avast, AVG, McAfee, Norton, claim that this is malware free. The only scanner that claims virus is obsecure, and claims it is adware, more than likely due to spamming.
Disclaimer No.2: There is a differance between a potentially unwanted program (PUP) and malware.
Disclaimer No.3: Quiet.exe is only used if hidden
option is enabled in the loopAll.config
file in the exec folder. If hidden
option is not enabled you can remove quiet.exe
This bot is a remake of a bot created by alekxeyuk that adds an easier command line interface, the ability to easily run eighteen bots at the same time and adds an easier spam configuration.
Download Python 3.7.4 here: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.4/python-3.7.4.exe
When installing Python 3.7.4, check the, "Install to PATH", checkbox then click, "Custom installation". Check every box and leave the default save location as default (Do not click browse!)
On this GitHub page, click the green, "Clone or download." Buton and then click, "Download as ZIP." Then, extract the ZIP file somewhere on your computer. You will need to come to this file to run the bot, so save it somewhere rememerable.
Install GIT here: https://git-scm.com/download/win When installing GIT, just click, "Next" until you reach the, "Install" button and click it.
windows + s
and type in the search, "Windows power shell". Right click it and then click, "Run as administrator." -
In the windows shell, enter the following command:
pip install websockets aiohttp python-socketio requests git+https://www.github.com/hbldh/hitherdither Pillow google_images_download numpy
- To run the bot, head to the BubblyBoiBot folder (not the ZIP, the folder you extracted) and click the
Thank you for installing the bot! We'd be even more thankful if you joined our discord server from the URL inside the file. You can use the discord server for support with installation and discussion with brand new friends.
(We also have many great discord bots!)
In the loopAll.config
file (Inside the exec folder), you will find the following options: hidden
, delay
, devSkip
and startTimes
. hidden
is set to false by default. Setting it to true will cause the bot windows to become hidden to the user outside of the task manager. Leaving it as false will set the bot windows to open minimized. delay
sets how long the delay is between each bot starting. The default value is 1. devSkip
simply stops any bots from running when using the loopAll.bat
file. It is set to false by default and is only really used when testing the simple interface of the loopAll.bat
program. Finally, startTimes
sets how many bots will open on each of the three Skribbl.io ports (port5001, port5002, port5003) when running loopAll.bat
. The default is 6. From testing, it appears the maximum is also six bots per port (Meaning at optimal time and without any errors, you can run up to eighteen bots on one computer).
Line 16: SETTINGS = {'port': '5001', 'join': '', 'language': 'English', 'x': 3, 'y': 4, 'shuffle': True}
'port': 'x'
This can be used to determine whether the bot runs on port5001, 5002 or 5003 when not being ran from any of the .bat files. 'join': ''
Put a private game key (the string of characters after the ?
in the game link) to join a private game. Test each port!
'language': 'x'
You can set which language servers the bot will join here (i.e English will join the English servers).
'x': 'num', 'y': 'num'
I have no idea what this does. Don't touch it unless you know what you're doing.
shuffle: x
I'd suggest leaving this to True.
Line 56: arguments = {"keywords": "dick", "limit":10, "print_urls":False, 'no_download':True, 'safe_search':True, 'exact_size':'355,294', 'type': 'photo', 'format': 'jpg'}
"keywords": "dick"
Dick is the default value. This is what word(|s) the bot will search for in google images to draw. "limit:10"
You can leave this as 10.
You can leage this as False.
"no_download": x
Set to True by default, determines whether your image will be downloaded to a folder within the project.
'safe_search': x
Will safe search by on when the bot searches for keyword specified in "keywords": "x"
'exact_size': 'w','h'
What exact size of image will the bot search for on Google Images using the keyword in "keywords: "x"
'type': 'x'
What type of picture will the bot search for on Google Images. I'd reccomend 'type': 'clipart'
. Default is photo.
'format': 'x'
I'd suggest leaving this as jpg.
Line 89: await sio.emit('userData' , {"name": "BubblyBoiBot", "code":"", "avatar": [-1, -1, -1, -1], "join": SETTINGS['join'], "language": SETTINGS['language'], "createPrivate": False})
"name": "x"
This can be used to change the name of the bot when it joins the server. "code:""
You can leave this blank. "avatar": [-1, -1, -1, -1]
This can be used to set your avatar in the server. Leave it all as -1 to have no avater (may raise suspicion). You can leave the rest.
Lines 114, 115 and 116: await sio.emit("chat", u"CHANGE JOIN MESSAGE HERE")
These are the messages that will sent to the server on join. Leave it at three messages to avoid being kicked for spam. You can write whatever you want withtin the second ""
Line 144: await sio.emit("chat", u"CHANGE SPAM MESSAGE HERE")
This is the message that will be spammed to the se
rver. You can write whatever you want within the second ""
Go to Lines 114, 115, 116, 140, 141, 142, 144 and 145 and put a #
in front of each line to cancel it out.
Go to Line 202 and put a #
in front of it to cancel it out.
connection established.
disconnected from server.
disconnected from server.
This error means either; You are running too many bots one port or the server the bot tried to connect to was full. Solution: If the problem is caused by running more than six bots on one port, close any excessive bots on that port. There isn't exactly a solution to cause B other than, "Try again later".
Error: NoneType has no size attribute
This error means either; The image searched for by the bot doesn't work or you messed the code up somewhere. Solution: If caused by search, change the keyword you used. Remember to make 'exact_size': 'w', 'h'
the same size as the image you wanted from Google Images. If caused by messing up the code, try extracting the bot from the ZIP file again to completely redo any changes to the BubblyBoiBot.py file, or try Ctrl+Z
ing out of it.