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MoneyMoney Extension: Sum by Bank

This is an AppleScript extension for the great MoneyMoney software to generate an Excel list with all sums by bank account.
This is useful e.g. to export the total values per bank to a summary Excel document or to monitor certain threshold values per bank.


For this AppleScript to work it is required to add a custom attribute bankIdentifier to each account in MoneyMoney that you want to track. The total values are then summed up by this chosen bank identifier.

At the beginning of the Apple Script file moneymney-sum-by-bank.scpt you can then customize the behaviour of the script:

Variable Description
exportFileName The name of the resulting Excel file. You can either use an existing file or leave it to missing value to create a new one.
startRowIndex/startColumnIndex The index of the cell row/column to start the table.
isSortDescending Whether to sort the resulting sums in a descending order or not.
isCloseExcel Whether to close Excel after the export.
cellThresholdValue Threshold value above that the cell is colored
cellThresholdColor Threshold background color value

If you optionally want to use this AppleScript within the services menu of the MoneyMoney application, the best way is to use the Mac Automator:

  1. Create a new "Quick Action Workflow" in Automator
  2. Choose "No Input" in "MoneyMoney"
  3. Add the action "Execute AppleScript" and paste the contents of the file moneymoney-sum-by-bank.scpt into the text box
  4. Save the workflow

Then you have a new menu item with the chosen name in MoneyMoney > Services.


After click on the new menu item in MoneyMoney > Services, Microsoft Excel will open and show all bank sums in a descending order:
Excel file with sums by bank account

As an alternative you can also simply double click on the moneymney-sum-by-bank.scpt script to execute it manually.

For more information see also my blog post.


  • Tested with Excel for Mac 16.43/16.64
  • The MoneyMoney application has to be unlocked when executing the script otherwise an error will be thrown
  • Basically a better way would be to automatically group by account bic but not all accounts do have a bic (e.g. credit cards).

Known Limitations

  • Support only for Euro currency
  • Accounts with no bankIdentifier attribute are ignored in export file


GPLv3 License