- Uses the Ariadne GraphQL framework
- Uses the ASGI Lifespan middlware
- Concurrency, app server, and containerization is provided by the Uvicorn+Gunicorn Docker base image
It is possible, though not generally preferred, for services to depend directly on other services, passing requests through a secure CKG endpoint. This template includes the necessary authentication code for your convenience. Simply supply environment settings and use the client
from the GraphQL context:
# ---------------APPLICATION VARIABLES-------------------
# ---------------AUTHENTICATION VARIABLES--------------------
# keycloak or auth0
# URL for auth server (without path), i.e. https://keycloakdev.knowledge.maana.io:8443
# Keycloak or auth0 client name/id.
# Client secret for client credentials grant
# Auth audience for JWT
# Set to same value as REACT_APP_PORTAL_AUTH_IDENTIFIER in Maana Q deployment ENVs)
# NOTE: For use of keycloak in this app, this value should match both the realm and audience values.
And, in your resolver:
# A resolver can access the graphql client via the context.
client = info.context["client"]
# Query all maana services.
result = client.execute('''
allServices {
pip install uvicorn gunicorn ariadne graphqlclient asgi-lifespan python-dotenv requests
Then you can build your image from the directory that has your Dockerfile, e.g:
docker build -t my-service ./
To run the GraphQL service locally with hot reload:
and visit
For details, please refer to the official documentation.
To run the GraphQL service locally (Via Docker):
docker run -it -p 4000:80 -t my-service
and visit
To run the GraphQL service via Docker with hot reload:
docker run -it -p 4000:80 -v $(pwd):/app my-service /start-reload-docker.sh
and visit
For details, please refer to the official documentation.
To update any changes made to the service you will need to re run docker build.
Note that if you require additional packages such as pandas and numpy you need to add your packages to the pip install in the Dockerfile. There are a few difficulties with installing these additional packages, this: docker-library/python#381 explains the issue and the resolution.
To simplify deployment to your Maana Q Kubernetes cluster, use the CLI mdeploy
gql mdeploy
and follow the prompts.
{ solveLinearCPProblem( vars: [ { id: "x", lowerBound: 0, upperBound: 50 } { id: "y", lowerBound: 0, upperBound: 50 } { id: "z", lowerBound: 0, upperBound: 50 } ] constraints: [ { id: "ct" lowerBound: 0 upperBound: 50 coefficients: [{ id: "x", value: 2 }, { id: "y", value: 7 }, { id: "z", value: 3 }] } { id: "ct2" lowerBound: 0 upperBound: 45 coefficients: [{ id: "x", value: 3 }, { id: "y", value: -5 }, { id: "z", value: 7 }] } { id: "ct3" lowerBound: 0 upperBound: 37 coefficients: [{ id: "x", value: 5 }, { id: "y", value: 2 }, { id: "z", value: -6 }] } ]
objective: {
id: "obj"
coefficients: [{ id: "x", value: 2 }, { id: "y", value: 2 }, { id: "z", value: 3 }]
maximize: true
) { id status objectiveValue varValues { id } } }