This repository contains a C++ implementation of a VCML Session Protocol (VSP) client. A standalone CLI-based application can be used to connect to a VSP server from the terminal. Documentation of the VSP can be found here.
The following CMake options can be used during confiuration
CMake Option | Default | Description |
Build test suite |
Generate code-coverage data |
Specify a code linter to use | |
Build the CLI application |
Use CMake to configure the project. Example for a debug build:
Placeholder | Description | Example |
<project_dir> |
Working directory where the repositiory is cloned | ~/vsp |
<build_dir> |
Build directory where the build artifacts are stored | <project_dir>/build |
<install_dir> |
Install directory where the libray, executables, and header files are copied to | /opt/vsp |
git clone --recursive <project_dir> # clone the repository and its submodules
mkdir -p <build_dir> # create the build directory
cd <build_dir> # change directory to the build dir
cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> \
<project_dir> # configure the project
cmake --build <build_dir> -- -j $(nproc) # build the project
cmake --build <build_dir> -t install # install the project
After installation, you should find the header files, library, and the CLI application (if enabled) in the <install_dir>
This project is proprietary and confidential work and requires a separate license agreement to use - see the LICENSE file for details.