A Gmail-like Material Drawer implementation
Based on neokree's MaterialDrawer library, but they are not the same. I have made many improvments, changes and added a lot of new features. Big thanks to neokree, without him this library would not exist.
Different Drawer types
- HeadItem (f.e. screenshot 1)
- No header (f.e. screenshot 6)
- Only Image in header (see example tool)
- Create your own header style (screenshot 7)
Head Item (Account):
- Unlimited Head-Items (Accounts), tested with 100 Head-Items
- Head-Item listeners for Avatar or Background taps
- Adding and removing Head-Items at runtime
- Every Head-Item can have its own menu
- Create your own Head-Item style (Custom Head-Item)
- Or no Head-Item, if you need only the menu
- Menu with unlimit Menu-Items
- Adding and removing Menu-Items at runtime
- Only icon menu (screenshot 8)
- Available Menu-items:
- Labels
- Divider
- Normal Sections
- can call new fragment, activity or implements own onClick
- with and without icon
- with notification number
- Only Icon
- can call new fragment, activity or implements own onClick
- Bottom-Sections
- same as normal section
- Custom Sections ! (add your own section implementation, like a checkbox etc.) see screenshot 5
Fully themeable (screenshot 11)
- Drawer can be over and below the toolbar
- Tablet support
- Toolbar overflow support, so a image can be your background. (screenshot 9)
- Many many more: Setting your own Fragment on Start, etc. Play with the example app ;).
- The screenshots doesn't show all functions, you can do many more with the lib.
Write your own header Class
Many Many more
You can test the example application in your web browser. https://appetize.io/app/dqmyynvjanx9hydtq4a4vjbkzw
or on the play store (Lib-Version 2.0.0 (17.07.15))
repositories {
maven { url 'http://dl.bintray.com/madcyph3r/maven/' }
dependencies {
compile 'de.madcyph3r:materialDrawer:2.0.0@aar'
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3'
compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'
There are a lot of examples with explanations, how to use the library, here is a small example with one Head-Item. You will get the result from screenshot 1. You see, it's easy :)
public class HeadItemOneActivity extends MaterialNavHeadItemActivity {
MaterialNavigationDrawer drawer = null;
protected boolean finishActivityOnNewIntent() {
return false;
protected int getNewIntentRequestCode(Class clazz) {
return 0;
public void init(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
drawer = this;
// information text for the fragment
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("instruction", "This example shows the head item style.");
Fragment fragmentInstruction = new FragmentInstruction();
// create menu
MaterialMenu menu = new MaterialMenu();
menu.add(new MaterialItemSectionFragment(this, "Instruction", fragmentInstruction, "Head Item Style (One Item)"));
menu.add(new MaterialItemSectionFragment(this, "Section 1", new FragmentDummy(), "Section 1"));
menu.add(new MaterialItemSectionFragment(this, "Section 2", new FragmentDummy(), "Section 2"));
menu.add(new MaterialItemSectionFragment(this, "Section 3", new FragmentDummy(), "Section 3"));
// create Head Item
// use bitmap and make a circle photo
final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.yourAvatar);
final RoundedCornersDrawable drawableAppIcon = new RoundedCornersDrawable(getResources(), bitmap);
MaterialHeadItem headItem = new MaterialHeadItem(this, "My HeadItem", "My Subtitle", drawableAppIcon, R.drawable.yourBackground, menu);
// load menu
// load the first MaterialItemSectionFragment from the menu
public void afterInit(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
I have changed a lot of names and methods. Sorry for that. But now its a lot easier to use this library. The methods name and parameters make more sense. Better abstraction level for the menu items and drawer types. A really better code understanding. Please look in the examples, for the code changes. Then edit your code to the new code base.
- If you've found an issue, look up the open issues and submit a new one if it isn't yet reported.
- If you like the library press the star ;)
- A Wiki with some Introduction will come soon.