The goal of this project was to understand the relationship between the sentiment of YouTube video comments and the number of "likes" a comment receives. Comments and each comment's number of "likes" were scraped from YouTube and comments were analyzed for sentiment. The results of the analysis showed that the more positively sentimented a comment was, the more "likes" a comment received.
The implication of these findings is that positivity increases engagement. If a platform were interested in increasing engagement, they may wish to build an algorithm that promotes positively sentimented content.
Python was used to access YouTube's API to scrape YouTube video comments and the number of "likes" a comment received. Python was also used to access IBM Watson's Natural Language Understanding tool, which analyzed each comment for sentiment. Both Python scripts (“Channel1 -” and “NLU_youtube_comments.ipynb”, respectively) are stored above.
SAS was used to fit the statistical model of interest, and the SAS script “CMN” is stored above.
A Powerpoint file summarizes the project and is stored above.