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magnusdv committed May 5, 2015
1 parent cd795d7 commit 03e53c1
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from math import exp, log, expm1, log1p

### Fra Kristinas ###################

### Endringer av MDV:
# 1) Obsvec, posvec og Bfreqvec er naa argumenter i funksjonen (for aa unngaa unodv lesing av fil)
# 2) Fjernet argument 'logs' (siden dette ikke er optional i resten av koden)
# 3) Forenklet output til en enkel vektor: posteriori-sannsynlighetene for IBD
# 4) Mer noyaktig og raskere logaritme-beregninger i transition() (se eget notat)
# 5) Endret koding av obsvektoren, slik at 0=homREF, 1=heteroz, 2=homALT

def logsum(v):
""" Calculating the sum of a vector of logarithmic numbers."""
a = max(v)
return a + log(sum(exp(x-a) for x in v))

def transition(dist, a, f, logspace=0):
Compute transition probabilities for a HMM.
to compute transition probabilities between hidden-states,
when moving from time t to t+1,
the genetic distance (cM) between the two markers are required.
Assuming known parameters a and f.
lf logspace = 1, calculations are log-transformed.
Key in dictionary: 0 = not-IBD, 1 = IBD.
if logspace == 0:
qk = e**(-a*dist)

T = { # 0 = not-IBD, 1 = IBD
1: {1: (1-qk)*f + qk, 0: (1-qk)*(1-f)},
0: {1: (1-qk)*f, 0: (1-qk)*(1-f) + qk}

if dist == 0:
dist = 1e-06

ff = 1-f
ad = a*dist
A = expm1(ad)
AA = -expm1(-ad)
T = { # 0 = not-IBD, 1 = IBD
1: {1: log1p(A*f)-ad, 0: log(AA*ff)},
0: {1: log(AA*f), 0: log1p(A*ff)-ad}}
return T

def initiation(f, logspace=0):
Compute initiation probabilities for a HMM.
Assuming that the probability for the first state being IBD or not-IBD
is equivalent with the inbreeding-coefficient (f).
lf logspace = 1, calculations are log-transfermed.
Key in dictionary: 0 = not-IBD, 1 = IBD.

if logspace==0:
I = {1: f, 0: 1-f}
I = {1: log(f), 0: log(1-f)}

return I

def emission(q, error, logspace=0):
Compute emission probabilities for a HMM.
This function takes as input three parameters:
q = the minor allele frequency
error = error-rate
logspace = if 1, calculations are log-transfermed
The output is an emission-matrix of probabilities between a given hidden-state
and the observed event.
Key in dictionary: 0 = not-IBD, 1 = IBD.
#Key in inner dictionary: 0 = heterozygous, 1 = hom ref allele, 2=hom alt allele.
Key in inner dictionary: 1 = heterozygous, 0 = hom ref allele, 2=hom alt allele.

if logspace==0:
p = 1-q

E = {
1: {0: (1-error)*p + error*p**2, 1: error*2*p*q,
2: (1-error)*q + error*q**2 },
0: {0: p**2, 1: 2*p*q, 2: q**2}

#q = min(0.999999, max(q, 1e-6))
#error = min(0.999999, max(error, 1e-6))

lp = log(1-q)
lq = log(q)
le = log(error)
lne = log(1-error)

E = {
1: {0: logsum([lne + lp , le + 2*lp]), 1: le + log(2) + lp + lq,
2: logsum([lne + lq , le + 2*lq])},
0: {0: 2*lp, 1: log(2) + lp + lq, 2: 2*lq}

return E

### From Kristinas ###################

def FwdBwd(obsvec, posvec, Bfreqvec, error, a, f):
""" Forward-Backward algorithm to compute posteriori probabilities.
A local optimization to find the most probable hidden state at a
given position t based on a observation sequence.
Assuming known initiation- , transition- and emission probabilities.
Input to the function:
obsvec = list of 0 = heterozygous, 1 = hom ref allele, 2 = hom alt allele
posvec = CM marker positions
Bfreqvec = population frequencies of second alleles
error = the genotyping error-rate
a = the distance between two states, exponential distributed
f = inbreeding coefficient
Returning the posteriori-probabilites for IBD at each position.

states = (1, 0) # 1 = IBD, 0 = not-IBD
n = len(posvec)
distvec = [y-x for x,y in zip(posvec[:-1], posvec[1:])]

# Probability matrices
I = initiation(f, logspace=1)
Evec = [emission(q, error, logspace=1) for q in Bfreqvec]
Tvec = [transition(d, a, f, logspace=1) for d in distvec]

lfwd = [{}]

# Initiation
for j in states:
lfwd[0][j] = I[j] + Evec[0][j][obsvec[0]]

# Iteration
for t in range(1,n):
for j in states:
lfwd[t][j] = logsum([lfwd[t-1][i] + Tvec[t-1][i][j] + Evec[t][j][obsvec[t]] for i in states])

# Termination
lsum_fwd = logsum([lfwd[-1][j] for j in states])

lbwd = [{} for x in range(n)]

# Initialisation
for j in states:
lbwd[n-1][j] = log(1)

# Iteration
for t in reversed(range(n-1)):
for j in states:
lbwd[t][j] = logsum([lbwd[t+1][i] + Tvec[t][j][i] + Evec[t+1][i][obsvec[t+1]] for i in states])

# Posterior probabilities in log-space
lprob = [{j : lfwd[t][j] + lbwd[t][j] - lsum_fwd for j in states} for t in range(n)]

# Posterior probabilities exp() transformed
return [exp(lp[1]) for lp in lprob]

def read_HMMdata(infile):
""" Reading a csv.file."""

def gt(a,b):
if a==b:
return 1 if a == '0' else 2
return 0

with open(infile, 'r') as fil:
next(fil) # skip header
data = [ln.split() for ln in fil]

return zip(*[(float(pos), gt(a,b), float(bfr)) for pos,a,b,bfr in data])

if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 6:
raise Error("Syntax error. Too few arguments")
infile = sys.argv[1]
error = float(sys.argv[2])
a = float(sys.argv[3])
f = float(sys.argv[4])
outfile = sys.argv[5]
posvec, obsvec, Bfreqs = read_HMMdata(infile)
postprobs = FwdBwd(obsvec, posvec, Bfreqs, error, a, f)
with open(outfile, 'w') as out:
out.write('\n'.join(map(str, postprobs)))


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