Tools Used:
RTL Design and Simulation - Xilinx Vivado,
Synthesis Netlist - Yosys,
Place and Route - Cadence Innovus.
Library used - GSCL45nm.
A 64 bit Carry Select Adder with blocks of 4 bits of Carry Lookahead adder was coded in Verilog.
Yosys commands used: (for yosys all the modules were kept in csa64bit.v; works even if separate - read_verilog all .v files)
read_verilog csa64bit.v
synth -top csa64bit
dfflibmap -liberty /home/mbk/yosys/gscl45nm.lib
abc -liberty /home/mbk/yosys/gscl45nm.lib
write_verilog csa64bit_syn.v