React-Blogify is a React-based blogging platform developed as part of an assignment. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating, viewing, and managing blog posts.
Live Website: React Blogify
- Infinity Scrolling: Instead of traditional pagination, Infinity Scrolling is implemented using the JavaScript Intersection Observer API, dynamically loading more blog posts as the user scrolls down the page.
- User Authentication: JWT access tokens and refresh tokens are used for user authentication, providing a secure login mechanism.
- Create and Publish Blogs: Users can create, edit, and publish their own blog posts, complete with rich text editing capabilities.
- View Blogs: Visitors can browse through published blog posts, read their contents, and interact with them.
- Favorites: Logged-in users can mark blogs as favorites, making it easier to find and access their preferred content.
- Search Functionality: The platform includes a search feature, enabling users to find specific blog posts based on keywords or phrases.
- Error Handling: The application includes robust error handling mechanisms to ensure smooth user interactions and provide helpful feedback in case of issues.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
- Install Dependencies:
cd React-Blogify
npm install
- Start the Development Server:
npm run dev
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to view the application.
- For Server and API visit this repository:
- React.js
- React Router DOM (v6)
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Axios
- JavaScript Intersection Observer API (for Infinity Scrolling)
- Node.js
- Express.js
- json-server
Email: [email protected]
Password: 11111111