Hey guys!
Here is port of BaseFlight-20131126 (with MultiWii 2.3 features) for popular and cheap but powerful STM32F4-DISCOVERY board + GY-86 sensors board (mpu6050 + hmc5883 + ms5611). Project was created for CooCox CoIDE 1.7.5 (with toolchain arm-none-eabi-gcc 4_7-2013q3) to simplify stm32 diving for newcomers ;) It's free powerful IDE with user-friendly GUI, debug out from the box etc.
Current state (tested in hands):
- GY-86 connected I2C2: SCL=>PB10, SDA=>PB11
- 8-channel CPPM (PPM SUM) RC input: PB8
- USART1 for telemetry/GUI: TX=>PB6, RX=>PB7
- USART3 for GPS: TX=>PD8, RX=>PD9
- 4 PWM 400hz outputs (e.g. for X-copter), tested with oscilloscope: PE14, PE13, PE11, PE9. Of course much more PWM outputs possible but for now was tested only these set.
- Status LEDs: Green: state of calibrations, ARM/DISARM etc. Orange: HORIZON or ANGLE modes Blue: state of GPS
Big thanks to SergDoc for full set of drivers related to STM32F4 & BaseFlight https://github.com/SergDoc/Nev_MultirotorControl
Also thanks for the projects:
- AQ32
- FF32
- MWArmF4
- BaseFlight & MultiWii by default of course :)
Enjoy but remember it's not tested in-flight yet! ;)
Anyway I spent a lot of own free time for this project, so if it's useful for you feel free to press button below :)