A simple project to demo a 1:1 video call with WebRTC.
Consisting of:
- Frontend with React loosely following the steps described here: https://webrtc.org/getting-started/overview
- A barebones signalling server in node using socket.io Implementing the flow described in this MDN doc: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API/Signaling_and_video_calling#Signaling_transaction_flow
- The app only allows 1:1 communication between two peers, and will ignore any further client connections.
- When the first two clients connect, they are assigned a role, client1 or client2.
- In the frontend, the connection logic is different for client1 and client2 (client1 makes the offer, client2 responds etc)
- The signalling server has no persistence or retry logic for the offers, it just passes the message to the other client
- This demo does not handle any reconnection, disconnection or other real world call logic
Install dependencies
run locally: In one terminal start the web app dev server on :8080
yarn dev
In another start the signalling server on :8000 (this also serves the statics but without hot reload)
yarn start
Made with createapp.dev