This document can be used as a reference for those who are in the process of migrating their application from MailUp SOAP API to MailUp REST API. If you need more details you can create an issue on this Github project.
As you probably know, MailUp SOAP API methods belong to one of these domains: WSMailUpImport, MailUpSend, MailUpReport and MailUpManage. The following paragraphs map the methods of each domain to the MailUp REST API methods with the corresponding behaviour. There are few cases in which there is not an exact 1:1 matching, a detailed page is available for those exceptions.
SOAP Method Name | Alternative method using REST API |
ANY authentication using the request's header | Authentication using OAuth 2.0 |
GetNlLists or GetNlListsUser | The REST API returns only the lists the logged in use has access. Start with GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List , then optionally iterate over the returned lists to get groups: GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Groups details |
NewImportProcess, StartProcess and StartImportProcesses | Any combination of these SOAP calls is replaced by a single call like POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Recipients (plain import into a MailUp "list") or POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Group/{ID_GROUP}/Recipients (when you want to specify a "group" that belongs to a MailUp "list") details |
GetProcessDetails | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Import/{IMPORT_ID} (if you know the import ID) or GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Imports (to get all the import tasks) details |
CreateGroup | POST ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Group details |
GetIdUser or GetIdWsUser | REST API can read only the ID of the user who made the request. Use GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Authentication/Info to retrieve the user ID details |
Access and account management
SOAP Method Name | Alternative method using REST API |
Login or LoginFromId | Authentication using OAuth 2.0 |
Logout | No longer required |
CreateList | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List details |
GetLists or GetListsUser | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List details |
GetListIdentity | No longer supported (related to a deprecated integration) |
DeleteList | DELETE /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List} details |
GetGroups | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Groups details |
GetIdUser | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Authentication/Info details |
GetFields or GetFields_st | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Recipient/DynamicFields details |
SOAP Method Name | Alternative method using REST API |
CreateSMS | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Sms/List/{id_List}/Message details |
SendSingleSMS, SendSMSFast or SendDirectSMS | Use Transactional SMS API to send single SMSs (i.e. "one to one") |
SendSMS | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Sms/List/{id_List}/Message/{id_Message}/Send (send to all list's recipients) or POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Sms/Group/{id_Group}/Message/{id_Message}/Send (send to a group) details |
GetCredits or GetCreditsLists | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Authentication/Details details |
GetSMS | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Sms/List/{id_List}/Messages details |
GetSMSDeliveryStatus | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Sms/Sendings/Immediate details |
SOAP Method Name | Alternative method using REST API |
SendSingleNewsletter | Use Transactional Email API or SMTP+ |
CreateNewsletter | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email details |
CloneMessage | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/list/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message} |
GetNewsletters | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Emails |
GetMessages | A method that returns only the non-cloned email messages is no more available |
GetNewsletterCode | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/list/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message} |
SendMessageNL | Has to be replaced by a sequence of steps details |
SendNewsletter | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Send |
SendNewsletterFast | Newsletters & DEM: first create the email message using POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email then send it out with POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Send . Transactional (one-to-one) emails: Use Transactional Email API or SMTP+ |
GetNewsletterDeliveryStatus | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/SendHistory (past sendouts) GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Email/Sendings/Immediate (in progress) GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Email/Sendings/Deferred (still planned) |
GetNewsletterQueues | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Email/Sendings/Immediate (ongoing) GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Email/Sendings/Deferred (planned) GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Email/Sendings/Undefined (unplanned) |
StartDelivery | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Email/Sendings/{id_Sending}/Immediate (schedule an immediate dispatch) POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Email/Sendings/{id_Sending}/Deferred (schedule a deferred dispatch) |
RemoveNewsletterQueue | DELETE /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Email/Sendings/{id_Sending} Note: in case of ongoing sending you must must stop it first using POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Email/Sendings/{id_Sending}/Stop |
SOAP Method Name | Alternative method using REST API |
Login or LoginFromId | Authentication using OAuth 2.0 |
Logout | No longer required |
ReportByUser or ReportByUserEN | Has to be replaced by a sequence of API calls |
ReportByMessage or ReportByMessageEN | Use GET /MailStatisticsService.svc/Message/{ID_MESSAGE}/List/Recipients (delivered) GET /MailStatisticsService.svc/Message/{ID_MESSAGE}/List/Views (opens) GET /MailStatisticsService.svc/Message/{ID_MESSAGE}/List/Clicks (clicks) details |
SOAP Method Name | Alternative method using REST API |
Login or LoginFromId | Authentication using OAuth 2.0 |
Logout | No longer required |
CreateGroup | POST ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Group details |
GetGroups | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Groups details |
UpdateGroup | PUT /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Group/{ID_GROUP} details |
DeleteGroup | DELETE /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Group/{ID_GROUP} details |
CreateList | POST /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List details |
GetLists or GetListsUser | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List details |
UpdateList | PUT /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List} details |
DeleteList | DELETE /ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List} details |
GetIdUser | GET /ConsoleService.svc/Console/Authentication/Info details |