Have you ever done installing a crypto wallet then insert your seed phrase only for knowing how much balance you have? This is a simple project designed to track addresses you are interested in, you can have all your own addresses in one place and check how much you have gained or lose without worrying about having your seed phrases always with you. in this project you can register and buy a plan to track your crypto addresses balance and the equivalent USD amount of them.
- Clone the repository
- run docker-compose up -d
- create .env and copy the sample.env content into it
- run project using
cargo run --bin ws
// to get the coin prices from binance - run project using
cargo run --bin server
- open the swagger in your browser
- register user
- login user
- authenticate using jwt
- buy plan
- pay for plan using stripe
- insert user-coin
- get user-coins list including the usd equivalent amount of them
- delete user-coin
- update user-coin
- server: The http server serving rest api
cargo run --bin server
- cli: Cron jobs to update user coins amount
cargo run --bin cli
- ws: get the coin prices from binance
cargo run --bin ws
project contains only integration test placed in test module
- run
cargo test
to run the tests
- check the validity of address in create-user-coin
- remove clone calls where ever it is possible
- unwraps must be removed from the following files
- [] binance_price_provider.rs
- [] price_manager.rs
- [] price_storage.rs
- [] payment/service.rs
- [] stripe.rs
- [] user_coin/service.rs
- [] src/http_server.rs
- [] cmd/update_users_coins_amount.rs