R Package for processing and analyzing SpotMalaria Genetic Report Cards
Welcome to the grcMalaria R package!
This software package is intended for processing data files in the Genetic Report Card (GRC) format, generated by genetic surveillance of malaria projects such as GenRe-Mekong. With a small number of simple R commads, the grcMalaria library generates maps of prevalence, allele proportions, diversity and clustering, as well as genetic epidemiology analyses such as PCA and nighbour-joining trees.
We have provided a User Guide as well as video tutorials to show how to make use of the grcMalaria package.
The User Guide is available at https://genremekong.org/tools/grcmalaria-r-package-user-guide
The grcMalaria R package requires R version 4 or higher; you can freely install it from https://www.r-project.org/.
It has no special hardware requirements and can run on most current dektops/laptops on Windows, Mac or Linux.
Refer to the User Guide for instructions on how to install the grcMalaria package: installation only takes a few minutes, and you will need an Internet connection.
The User Guide will point you to a GRC dataset you can use to follow the tutorials; for every feature you will be shown how to invoke it, what parameters to use and what outputs will be generated. The creation of most maps takes only a few seconds on most desktops/laptops.
You may also want to watch the videos from our Training Workshop, available at https://genremekong.org/knowledge/training-workshop.
Please feel free to explore our Web site https://genremekong.org/ for more content, and further data releases.
The GenRe-Mekong Team
[email protected]