Open-source pure Java JDBC driver for Microsoft Access databases. Allows Java developers and client programs (e.g. OpenOffice, LibreOffice, SQuirreL) to read and write various versions of Access da…
Aggregate Traffic Signal Performance Measures from ATC controller hi-res event logs.
Programs to process GoPro MP4 & Generic GPX/FIT files and create video dashboards & maps
A simple remote for interacting with your Orbit Bhyve wifi sprinkler control system
Tools to synchronize GoPro footage with a moving map
Parse the gpmd stream for GOPRO moov track (MP4) and extract the GPS info into a GPX (and kml) file.
Python library for generating and processing GoPro telemetry
A JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) serialization utility for ColdFusion.
The missing Web Bluetooth module for Angular
A simple script to screenshot a list of websites
Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
Bootstrap 3 responsive dashboard / webapp / admin template
Provides an interface to pull objects out of an array with minimal code. Useful for Backbone collections and similar scenarios. Backbone and node.js
Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) are a series of visual aids that display the high-resolution data from signal controllers. They are a valuable asset management tool, aiding pe…
Express server for a RESTful API to access the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins.
Node installation on the Raspberry Pi Zero (Including v12+ Experimental Builds)