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Manifest Github Action

Use this action to generator and/or upload a generated SBOM to your Manifest account. Requires a Manifest API key.

This action will also install all required dependencies including generators, signers etc.

Getting Started

Generating an SBOM

The examples/generate.yml file shows how you can use this action to generate an SBOM in your workflow. To use this template, copy the contents of the file into your workflow directory .github/workflows/ and then modify the template to match your needs.

By default, if the template is left unmodified, then an SBOM will be generated using syft as the generator and CycloneDX as the format.

Uploading an SBOM

The examples/publish.yml file shows how you can use this action to transmit an SBOM to your Manifest account. This template should only be used if some other third-party tool is generating the SBOM for you, and you want to transmit it to your Manifest account.

Note: the SBOM generation must occur prior to the SBOM upload.

Generating and Uploading an SBOM

The examples/generate-and-publish.yml file shows how you can use this action to generate and transmit an SBOM to your Manifest account.


Note that any empty value provided to the input will result in a using the default values. Also note, that for some values, if they already exists in the generated SBOM, the values from the SBOM will be used.

Required Inputs (Publish)



Your Manifest API key. Generate this key in the Manifest Cyber app (, and then store it in your Github repository secrets.



The path of the SBOM to upload. This is useful if you are generating the SBOM in a different step (not using this action), and want to upload it (using this action) in a later step.

Accepts CycloneDX or SPDX SBOMs in JSON (recommended), XML, or SPDX tag:value format.


Optional {STRING}

Sets the root path of the source code to generate the SBOM for. This is needed if you are using this action to generate an SBOM and use a non-default checkout path.


Optional {STRING}

Sets the relationship of the SBOM. Must be either "first" or "third" with most cases being "first" for SBOMs generated using the GitHub action. Default: first.


Optional {STRING}

The source of the uploaded SBOM. This will be visible to you in the Manifest app and is intended for tracking/analytics purposes. We generally recommend not to change this, but you do you :)

Accepts any string. Default: github-action.


Optional {STRING}

The SBOM name, defaults to repository name.


Optional {STRING}

The SBOM version, defaults to environment variable tag, or commit hash.


Optional {STRING}

The SBOM output format, this is needed when passing spdx-json SBOM files.

Default: cyclonedx-json.


Optional {STRING}

The SBOM generator, defaults to syft. Supports: syft | trivy | cdxgen | sigstore-bom | spdx-sbom-generator | docker-sbom. Default: syft.


Optional {STRING}

Specific SBOM generator version to install.

Default: latest.


Optional {STRING}

Manifest-provided presets for generators to choose from.

Options: none|recommended Default: recommended.


Optional {STRING}

Path to custom config file for generator, if supported.


Optional {STRING}

Boolean to publish the SBOM to the Manifest Cyber platform. Expects either true or false. When unset, the action will upload if an API Key is present.


[DEPREACTED: use asset-labels instead] Optional {STRING}

A comma separated list of labels to apply to the SBOM.


Optional {STRING}

A comma separated list of labels to apply to the SBOM product.


Optional {STRING}

The product ID to associate the SBOM with.


Optional {STRING}

A comma separated list of labels to apply to the SBOM product, will only be applied if the product-id is set.


Optional {STRING}

ADVANCED USERS: Flags the Manifest CLI passes through to the generator.


Optional {STRING}

set the SBOM as active. Expects either true or false. If no value is provided, the SBOM will default to the organization's default behavior, which is typically true.



Optionally enrich the SBOM with additional data. Expects either NONE or ECOSYSTEMS. If no value is provided, the SBOM will default to the organization's default behavior.

Environment Variable - GITHUB_TOKEN

Optional {STRING}

The action fetches necessary Github releases from the Github Releases API. If you run into rate limit warnings from Github, the action can use a Github API token with authenticating (which may increase your rate limit beyond public limits). See usage examples for more.



- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Generate SBOM
    uses: manifest-cyber/manifest-github-action@main
    id: generate
    apiKey: ${{ secrets.MANIFEST_API_KEY }}

In this example, all depedencies would be installed by the action, generating an SBOM from source code and publishing to Manifest platform.

Publish only

- name: Build SBOM
  uses: CycloneDX/gh-node-module-generatebom@master
    path: ./
    output: ./bom.json
- name: Transmit own SBOM
  uses: manifest-cyber/manifest-github-action@main
  id: transmit
    apiKey: ${{ secrets.MANIFEST_API_KEY }}
    bomFilePath: ./bom.json

Usage with arguments passthrough

- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: generate SBOM
    uses: manifest-cyber/manifest-github-action@main
    apiKey: ${{ secrets.MANIFEST_API_KEY }}
    sbomGenerator: syft
    sbomGeneratorFlags: --exclude=**/testdata/**

Using custom values for name and version

- name: Set version
  id: set-date
  run: echo "date=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Set short sha
  id: set-sha
  run: echo "sha=$(git rev-parse --short $GITHUB_SHA)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: generate SBOM
  uses: manifest-cyber/manifest-github-action@main
  id: transmit
    apiKey: ${{ secrets.MANIFEST_API_KEY }}
    sbomName: ${{ env.GITHUB_JOB }}-${{ env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER }}
    sbomVersion: v1.0.0-${{ }}-${{ steps.set-sha.outputs.sha }}
    sbomOutput: cyclonedx-json

Using your own Github API token

- name: Set version
  id: set-date
  run: echo "date=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Set short sha
  id: set-sha
  run: echo "sha=$(git rev-parse --short $GITHUB_SHA)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: generate SBOM
  uses: manifest-cyber/manifest-github-action@main
  id: transmit
    apiKey: ${{ secrets.MANIFEST_API_KEY }}
    sbomName: ${{ env.GITHUB_JOB }}-${{ env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER }}
    sbomVersion: v1.0.0-${{ }}-${{ steps.set-sha.outputs.sha }}
    sbomOutput: cyclonedx-json
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Local Testing

An example SBOM test-sbom-example.json is included, as well as a dev script in package.json for local testing.