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Remove note on default cut algo; clean up text
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mducle committed Jun 9, 2022
1 parent ba85299 commit 061fff2
Showing 3 changed files with 21 additions and 27 deletions.
14 changes: 3 additions & 11 deletions docs/source/cutting.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -30,10 +30,9 @@ integrate over [0,3], [3,6], [6,9] and [9,10] respectively.

Cuts with the same range from multiple datasets can be plotted by first selecting multiple workspaces in the left panel.

There are two different methods to compute cuts: ``Rebin`` and ``Integration``.
**NOTE: for mantid major releases from** ``v6.40``\ **, the default cutting algorithm has been changed from** ``Rebin``
**to** ``Integration``\ **. For more detail on this change, and cutting algorithms in general, see the** *Cutting Algorithms*
**section below**.
There are two different methods to compute cuts: ``Rebin`` and ``Integration``, which can be selected from the
``Cut Algorithm`` drop down menu. The difference between these methods are described in the :ref:`Cutting_Algorithms`
section below and in more detail in the :ref:`Mathematical_Reference`.

Clicking on the ``Norm to 1`` check box will cause the resulting cut data to be normalised such that the maximum of the data
of each cut is unity.
@@ -122,10 +121,3 @@ similar cuts on the same workspace.
You can also change the default using the ``Options`` menu, ``Cut algorithm default``
entry. This will change the default cut algorithm *for this session of MSlice*
(the default algorithm will revert to ``Rebin`` if you restart MSlice).

For mantid major releases from ``v6.40``, the default cutting algorithm has been changed from ``Rebin`` to ``Integration``. This change
has been made because the ``Integration`` method can be used for both absolute and non-absolute units measurements. Conversely, for
absolute units measurements the ``Rebin`` method will give incorrect and misleading values.
As a result of this change, it is expected that values calculanced henceforth will differ from those calculated historically, if the
default integration method has been used.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/source/images/math_ref/rebin_grids.svg
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32 changes: 17 additions & 15 deletions docs/source/math_ref.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ in reciprocal space, a coordinate transformation is needed.
This means that the input and output binning grids of the data will not be axis aligned, and will
instead look something like this:

.. _grid_figure:

.. image:: images/math_ref/rebin_grids.svg
:width: 600

@@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ Where the square red grid represents the target (output) bins, and the slanted g
As discussed in the :ref:`PSD_and_non-PSD_modes` section, MSlice makes a distinction between
**PSD** (fine green grid) and **non-PSD** (coarser green grid) data.

``Slice`` refers to a rebin into a two dimensional output, whilst ``Cut`` refers to a rebin _or_
A ``Slice`` refers to a rebin into a two dimensional output, whilst a ``Cut`` is a rebin _or_
integration into a one dimensional output.
For each type of data (**PSD** and **non-PSD**) we will describe each operation in turn.

@@ -33,14 +35,14 @@ PSD Slice

For **PSD** data, MSlice uses *centre-point rebinning*, treating each input bin ("pixel") as a
point and summing the full signal of each pixel whose centres lie within an output bin
(illustrated in the image by the darker green shading in top left).
(illustrated in the image by the darker green shading in top left, with dots marking centres).
Thus the output signal in the :math:`(i,j)`\ th bin, :math:`Y_{ij}`, is:

.. math::
Y_{ij} = \frac{1}{N_{kl}} \sum_{kl} y_{kl}
where :math:`y_{kl}` is the input signal in the input :math:`(k,l)`\ th bin
and the sum runs over the :math:`N_{kl}` number of bins whoses centres lie within the
and the sum runs over the :math:`N_{kl}` number of bins whose centres lie within the
boundaries of the :math:`(i,j)`\ th output bin.

The above expression uses the ``NumEventsNormalization`` convention of Mantid which is the
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ in the :ref:`Cutting_Algorithms` section:

- The default ``Rebin`` method just uses the rebinning described above with one axis having
only a single bin.
- The ``Integration`` method first rebins the data as described above with integration axis
- The ``Integration`` method first rebins the data as described above with the integration axis
divided into :math:`N_{\mathrm{int}} =` 100 bins.
It then calls the relevant Mantid algorithm
(`IntegrateMDHistoWorkspace <>`_\ )
@@ -88,15 +90,15 @@ then all the :math:`w_i` will be equal to the full integration width and the dif

However, if the integration range covers region with no data (e.g. beyond the kinematic limits)
then the two cuts *may* look very different because :math:`C_i^{\mathrm{integration}}` will weight
regions with more data more heavily than regions without data.
regions with data more heavily than regions without data.

Non-PSD Slice

For **non-PSD** data, MSlice uses *fractional rebinning*, where it first calculates the
overlap area between the input and output bins, and then sums only the fractions of the
signal of the input bins within the output bin (darker green shading in bottom right).
overlap area between the input and output bins, and then sums only the fraction of the
signal of the input bins which overlaps the output bin.

The output signal is computed as:

@@ -111,10 +113,10 @@ and the output uncertainty as:
where :math:`f_{kl}` is the fractional overlap of the input :math:`(k,l)`\ th bin with
the output :math:`(i,j)`\ th bin.

This is illustrated in the image at the start of the page by the square on the right
This is illustrated in the :ref:`figure <grid_figure>` at the start of the page by the square on the right
hand side with blue triangular and orange quadrilateral shaded regions.
The blue and orange shading illustrates the fractional overlap areas which weights
the signal in the top left and top right input bins (large parallelograms).
the signal in the top left and top right input bins (large parallelograms) respectively.

Non-PSD Cuts
@@ -137,14 +139,14 @@ and 100 bins in the integration axis and then sums them as:
C_i^{\mathrm{integration}} = \left. N_i \sum_{j \in \mathcal{F}} Y_{ij} w_{ij} \right/ \sum_{j \in \mathcal{F}} F_{ij}
where :math:`N_i = \sum_{j \in \mathcal{D}} 1` is the number of :math:`j` bins at a given
:math:`i` with non-zero fraction (e.g. if the integration contains only regions with data
:math:`i` *with non-zero fraction* (e.g. if the integration contains only regions with data
then :math:`N_i` = 100, otherwise :math:`N_i` will be less),
and :math:`w_{ij}` is the width along the :math:`j`\ th axis of the :math:`(i,j)`\ th bin.
The :math:`N_i` normalisation is needed because in the limiting case where all the fractions
:math:`F_i` are unity, the denominator would be :math:`N_i`, so we recover the usual
:math:`F_{ij}` are unity, the denominator would be :math:`N_i`, so we recover the usual
expression for integrating over a distribution.
Note that as previously, :math:`\mathcal{D}` indicates the region within the integration
range with non-zero fractions.
range with data (in this case equivalent to regions with non-zero fractions).

Like with the **PSD** case there is thus an :math:`i` dependent scaling factor :math:`N_i w`
(assuming all the bins have the same width) between ``Cuts`` computed using the ``Rebin`` or
@@ -185,16 +187,16 @@ However, an ``Integration`` over :math:`|Q|` instead of energy will yield units
average ``Rebin`` which will leave the units unchanged.

Unfortunately, the input files read by MSlice do not indicate if the signal values saved
are in absolute units or not, so MSlice cannot automatically write the correct units to axes
are in absolute units or not, so MSlice cannot automatically display the correct units on plots
- this is left to the user.

A note on the regions of validity of the two algorithms

As can be seen in the example above, the ``Integration`` cut algorithm will produce low signals
where there is less data, whereas the ``Rebin`` cut algorithm will amplify the signals in such
regions - effectively assuming that the signal is constant across the integration range and
thus extrapolating over regions without data (so the only manifestation of the lack of data
regions. In effect, it assumes that the signal is constant across the integration range and
can be extrapolated over regions without data (so the only manifestation of the lack of data
are larger errorbars associated with these bins).

This assumption *may* be valid for density-of-states (DOS) type cuts where one would expect

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