A web application where registered users can log-in and add/edit/delete products into the DB. The cloud based DB (MongoDB Atlas) stores users and products into collections titled "users" and "products". The user's login credentials (email and password) are cyphered with the help of bcrypt password-hashing function. The application is run using Node.js with the help of the back end framework Express.js
The code for the application can be found at WebDev-Node/nodemarch/nodeexpress/ of this repository.
The below figure shows the sequence diagram for the web application. It shows mainly how the Log-in process and CRUD operations of the application works.
participant web as Web Browser
participant admin as Admin Services
participant user as User Services
participant shop as Shop Services
participant db as MongoDB
Note over web,db: The user must be logged in to add/edit/delete shopping cart items.
web->>+user: Logs in using credentials
user--)db: Search the user from "Users" collection
db-->>user: Respond with query result
alt Credentials not found
user-->>web:Render Registration page.
else Credentials found
user->>-shop: Redirect to Home page
shop -->>web: Render Home page
Note over web,db: When the user is authenticated, they can now add/edit/delete shopping cart items
web->>+admin: Add new product
admin--)db: Store product to "products" collection
admin->>-shop: Redirect to Home page
activate shop
shop -->>web: Render Home page
deactivate shop
web->>+shop: Show details for an individual product
shop--)db: Find the product from "products" collection
db-->>shop: Respond with query result
shop->>-web: Render product_detail page
web->>+admin: Edit a product
admin--)db: Find the product by Id and update
admin->>-shop: Redirect to Home page
activate shop
shop -->>web: Render Home page
deactivate shop
web->>+admin: Delete a product
admin--)db: Find the product by Id and Remove
admin->>-shop: Redirect to Home page
activate shop
shop -->>web: Render Home page
deactivate shop
web->>+user: Log out current user
user->>user: Redirect to Login page
user->>-web: Render Login page
The below figures displays the screenshots of the web application