This repository stores the benchmarks for two different works, in Standard Workload Files (SWF) format. Those SWF is the result of applications executed on different heterogeneous machines with CPUs and GPUs. This benchmark is freely available for research purpose. Please cite explicitly this repository in any publication involving this benchmark.
There are two main folders, storing traces of 6 applications executed on 2 and 3 different types of resources (CPU and 1 or 2 different types of GPU). The folders formatedTasks contain a file per application where tasks are already formatted with the ID, processing times and list of predecessor IDs.
This benchmark have been generated for the purpose of three scientific papers, with the same authors (Marcos Amaris, Giorgio Lucarelli, Clément Mommessin, Denis Trystram ), follow the papers:
Generic algorithms for scheduling applications on heterogeneous platforms. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2019; 31:e4647.
Generic Algorithms for Scheduling Applications on Hybrid Multi-core Machines. In: Rivera, F., Pena, T., Cabaleiro, J. (eds) Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing. Euro-Par 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10417. Springer, Cham.
Generic algorithms for scheduling applications on heterogeneous multi-core platforms in the ArXiv preprint 1711.06433, 2017. (
The benchmark is composed of six parallel applications. Five of them have been generated using Chameleon, a dense linear algebra software which is part of the MORSE project (E. Agullo et al., Matrices over runtime systems at exascale, in SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis, 2012). Another applications has been synthetically generated with GGen, a library for generating Directed Acyclic Graphs (D. Cordeiro et al., Random graph generation for scheduling simulations, in ICST SIMUTools, 2010).
The five applications of Chameleon, named getrf_nopiv, posv, potrf, potri and potrs, are composed of multiple sequential basic tasks of linear algebra such as SYRK (symetric rank update), GEMM (general matrix-matrix multiply) and TRSM (triangular matrix equation solver). For both workloads with 2 and 3 resource types the Chameleon applications were executed with the runtime StarPU (C. Augonnet, StarPU: A unified pplatform for task scheduling on heterogeneous multicore architectures, in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2011) and the traces of executions were collected. At first, all the applications were executed on CPUs and then were forced to execute on GPUs to have the processing times of each task of the application for different resources.
To generate the applications, different tilings of the matrices have been used, varying the number of sub-matrices denoted by nb_blocks and the size of the sub-matrices denoted by block_size. The different values of nb_blocks were 5, 10 and 20 and the different values of block_size were 64, 128, 320, 512, 768 and 960
Nb_blocks\Apps | getrf_nopiv | posv | potrf | potri | potrs |
5 | 55 | 65 | 35 | 105 | 30 |
10 | 385 | 330 | 220 | 660 | 110 |
20 | 2870 | 1960 | 1540 | 4620 | 420 |
For the benchmark with 2 resource types, the applications were executed on a machine with two Dual core Xeon E7 v2 with a total of 10 physical cores with hyper-threading of 3 GHz and 256 GB of RAM. The machine had 4 GPUs NVIDIA Tesla K20 (Kepler architecture) with each 5 GB of memory and 200 GB/s of bandwidth.
For the benchmark with 3 resource types, the applications were executed on an Intel Dual core i7-5930k machine with a total of 6 physical cores with hyper-threading of 3.5 GHz and 12 GB of RAM. This machine had 2 NVIDIA GPUs: a GeForce GTX-970 (Maxwell architecture) with 4 GB of memory and 224 GB/s of bandwidth; and a Quadro K5200 (Kepler architecture) with 8 GB of memory and 192 GB/s of bandwidth.
The execution time of each task and their respective dependencies were collected and formatted in different files, in SWF~(Standard Workload Format). The SWF standard was defined in order to ease the use of workload logs and models. With it, programs that analyze workloads or simulate systems scheduling need only to be able to parse a single format, and can be applied to multiple workloads.
The application generated with GGen is fork-join. It represents a real application that starts by executing sequentially and then forks to be executed in parallel with a specific diameter (number of parallel tasks), when the parallel execution has completed, results are aggregated by performing a join operation. This procedure can be repeated several times depending on the number of phases. For our experiments, we used 2, 5 and 10 phases with a diameter of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500.
Nb_phases\Diameter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 |
2 | 203 | 403 | 603 | 803 | 1003 |
5 | 506 | 1006 | 1506 | 2006 | 2506 |
10 | 1011 | 2011 | 3011 | 4011 | 5011 |