- Use ES6 with Angular 1.x and Ionic 1.x thanks to Babel
- Mocked Backend Workflow - help with mocking backend-less development
- Eslint with cordova and airbnb/base, angular, jasmine, protractor rules
- Bundling system: Inject only the files really edited instead of re-bundle all js files (vary important in large projects)
- Includes
- Lodash (see js/pages/home/home.ctrl.js for an example)
- ngCordova
- Test with Karma and Protractor
- Vagrant file
- Use git best practice with commitizen and standard-version
src/ --> source code that goes to production
|- font/ --> fonts
|- img/ --> image files
|- js/ --> ionic app files
|- css/ --> css files
|- lib/ --> bower libs
|- index.html --> app main file
|- img/ --> distribution source code that goes to production
|- font/ --> fonts
|- img/ --> image files
|- templates/ --> template
| |- tpl.bundle.js --> template file
|- vendors/ --> vendor
| |- vendor.bundle.js --> vendor file
|- js/ --> js files: concat, uglify ionic app js files (only in production)
|- css/ --> css files
|- index.html --> app main file
You need to install Node.js and then the development tools. Node.js comes with a package manager called npm (this project has been tested with npm 3.6.0) for installing NodeJS applications and libraries.
Install Node.js (node.js version used 5.6.0)
Tip: on unix systems we suggest to use nvm for manage nodeJs and NPM (https://github.com/creationix/nvm)
After NodeJs and Npm are installed you should run: npm install eslint ionic cordova gulp-cli bower ios-sim -g
1. Clone or fork this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/marcoturi/ionic-es6-boilerplate.git
$ cd ionic-es6-boilerplate
2. Install local dependencies
$ npm install && bower install
Note: There is a bug with livereload on Ios. If you try "ionic state restore" after you clone this repository, to init the project, the livereload function will not work. As a temporary fix you can copy platforms/ and plugins/ from a new project (i.e. ionic start blank blank).
$ npm run lint --> run eslint
$ npm run ios --> run ionic run ios with livereload and production api
$ npm run android --> run ionic run android with livereload and production api
$ npm run web --> run ionic serve with production api
$ npm run web-stage --> run ionic serve with stage api
$ npm run build --> build js files with production api (no concat and uglify)
$ npm run build-stage --> build js files with stage api (no concat and uglify)
$ npm run build-release --> build js files with production api (concat and uglify)
$ npm run fast --> run ionic serve whitout checking dependeces
$ npm run e2e --> run protractor tests
$ npm run outdated --> check npm dependencies
$ npm run babel-doctor --> check babel status
prod: will produce a unique boundle uglified and with revision number for js files.
dev: all js files will (not vendors of course) will be just transpiled in es5 and copyed into www/js
prod: inject in the config file (js/core/env.conditions.js) the flag that will make use of prudction url for api
stage: same of prod but will enable the stage url instead
web: ionic serve
ios: ionic run ios -l
android: ionic run android -l
**Note:** always use the npm/gulp tasks, don't use standalone ionic commands (i.e ionic run ios) becuase you need also the tasks of gulp for watching, transpiling and copy the files from the src folder
Open the web browser (this flag works only on unix systems)
Launch npm install && bower install (usefull on big teams but you get 8-10 sec of delay). Use npm run fast as an alternative of npm run web.
2. Workflow
- Code changes
- Npm run commit
- Repeat (1) and (2) as many time you need
- Npm run release -> This command will bump the version of the app according to the previous commits. Also it will generate a changelog and generate agit tag.
Note: Remember to run run npm run release before building the project.
3. Todo Add ngdoc
4. License
Copyright (c) 2016 Marco Turi & Damien Dell'Amico
Source code is open source and released under the MIT license.