Telegram Scraper is a simple script for scraping Telegram chat data which are publicly available. It uses the Telethon library for accessing Telegram API. The scraper runs from a UNIX terminal and is written in Python 3.
For scraper to work you will need to create a Telegram API key (see Use section for more information).
This project is still in development.
Before using you need to create a Telegram API key. You can find more information about creating Telegram API key here. After creating the key you need to create a file named config.ini
in the same directory as
and add the following lines to it:
api_id = #your api id
api_hash = #your api hash
username = #your username
After that you can run the script with the following commands:
#runs the main script
./ -h
#shows help
./ -c
#generates channel list