- Python (2.7 or later)
- Python library future
- mencoder
- libav (only for creating mp4 movies)
- imagemagick (only when images are not png or jpg)
- Make script executable:
chmod +x im2movie.py
- Create a link to
in a folder in yourPATH
. For example, when you have abin
folder in your home that is in yourPATH
:ln -s /path/to/im2movie/im2movie.py /home/USERNAME/bin/im2movie
- Now you can run the script with
When the im2movie
folder is in the python path, you can use the makeMovie
from im2movie import makeMovie
Signature: makeMovie(id, imtype, moviename, inputpath, outputpath, fps, nx=None, ny=None, bitrate=None, scale=1, quiet=True, win=False, vqscale=12, suffix='.avi', tomp4=False, postfix=None, maxres=(2000, 2000))
Creates movie of a series of images.
Creates a movie of a series of images using mencoder. The images are added to the movie in alphabetical order. If the png's are numbered, all numbers should contain the same number of digits, e.g.:
- order of [im_1.png,im_10.png] = [im_10.png,im_1.png]
- order of [im_01.png,im_10.png] = [im_01.png,im_10.png]
By defeault the mpeg4 codec is used for the movies, alternatively the msmpeg4v2 codec can be used (see Args).
id: unique identifier for the images
moviename: name of the generated movie (without suffix)
inputpath: path to images
outputpath: path were the movie will be saved
fps: frames per second
nx: number of horizontal pixels in the images, if omitted this will be extracted from the image
ny: number of vertical pixels in the images, if omitted this will be extracted from the image
bitrate: bitrate of the movie, if omitted this will be calucated based on the image size
scale: scaling factor for the movie, recommended for large images
quiet: print no extra information about the generated movie
win: use msmpeg4v2 codec instead of mpeg4, this should work in Windows without installing any codecs
vqscale: video quality (lower is better)
suffix: video suffix
tomp4: convert movie to mp4
postifx: video postfix
maxres: maximum movie resolution
Example: combine ./im_*.png
into a movie ./movie.avi
showing 5 frames per second:
im2movie -i ./ -t png -o ./ -p im -m movie -f 5
More help:
im2movie -h
Usage: im2movie [options]
im2movie creates a small but decent movie from a set of images ussing
mencoder. Note that the images are added to the movie in the order they appear
in the directory, make sure they are ordered!
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet No output (mencoder output is always suppressed)
-t IMTYPE, --type=IMTYPE
type of the images (currently supports png and jpg)
folder with images [/home/mpalm/.python/im2movie]
output folder [/home/mpalm/.python/im2movie]
-p ID, --id=ID first part of the filenames (should be unique to the
sequence that is to be converted)
--postfix=POSTFIX part of the filename that follow the image number
(only needed whed 'id' does not suffice to select the
right images
name of the video file (without extension) [id]
-f FPS, --fps=FPS frames per second [1]
-x NX, --nx=NX width, used to calculate the bitrate (nx obtained from
one of the images when omitted here)
-y NY, --ny=NY heigth, used to calculate the bitrate (ny obtained
from one of the images when omitted here)
-b BITRATE, --bitrate=BITRATE
user specified bitrate, when omitted the bitrate is
calculated based on the image dimenstion
-s SCALE, --scale=SCALE
scale movie (useful for large input images)
-w, --windows if you really really really want to use windows, this
may help (or not, i wouldn't know)
-v VQSCALE, --vqscale=VQSCALE
quality, lower is better (but file size is larger)
Thanks to Gerhard Burger for adding several improvements.