This is a Front end application crated for Infleux's test, according to these instructions.
This was developed using ReactJS, MaterialUI, JSS and deployed at Heroku.
When filling the form correctly (without any errors in the fields), a new campaign will be submitted to this endpoit of the back-end application:
"name": "Vivara",
"description": "Campanha para nova linha de berlocs da Disney",
"conversionType": "CPC",
"country": "brazil",
"bid": 1.65
All fields are mandatory, except for description. So if you try to submit blank fields, you will see some errors on the fields.
You will see a green toaster on the screen if the request was successfull, and a red one if something went wrong (you might experience an error at the first try, but this is because the back-end application is deployed at heroku and it gets lazy somtimes. Just try again!)
To improve usability and standardization in the database, I used this API to get all countries list, and formatted them before sending so all countries will be lowercased and kebab-case, so you can find the best campaign for each country easier.
See the back-end application documentation for the GET
routes you can consult to check your new camapaign :)
Clone this repo:
Inside the project's directory, install the dependecies:
npm install
To run locally in development mode:
npm start