Hi there👋🏻
In this project, we built a discord bot that has all the features of other bots.
This bot has features such as ticketing system, giveaway system, music system, backup system, social media alert system, moderation system, fun system, economy system, and it also has more features, but it was not mentioned because the text was too long.
To support the project, please promote it and give it a star⭐.
this source bot writes with love and somuch works❤️🔥, so please give star ⭐ to this project❤️
Some Images About The Bot📌
soon📪for setup your bot, you need put bot secret "Token" in .env
file and replaced it with BOT_TOKEN
after that for add bot prefix you need go again in and put your bot prefix
in .env
file then replaced it with BOT_PREFIX
then for working your bot well you have to put bot client id in last file and replaced it with BOT_CLIENT_ID
if you need so much configuration about the bot you can go in to the config.js
file and edit some parameters for customizing your bot.
//an example code from "config/bot.js"
module.exports = {
discord: {
token: process.env.token,
prefix: process.env.prefix,
invite: `https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=${process.env.clientId}&scope=bot+applications.commands&permissions=8`,
server_support: "https://discord.gg/P4XxUmebDa",
server_id: "1054814674979409940",
server_channel_report: "1054814677806370927",
server_channel_status: "1054814677806370928",
server_channel_stats: "1128650802236497940",
topgg: `https://top.gg/bot/${process.env.clientId}/vote`
//... etc
- if you didn't install source packages you need for install all packages open that👉🏻
Packages | Version | Install |
@napi-rs/canvas | Lastest ^0.1.41 | npm install @napi-rs/canvas |
mongoose | Lastest ^7.1.1 | npm install mongoose |
axios | Lastest ^1.3.5 | npm install axios |
quickmongo | Lastest ^5.2.0 | npm install quickmongo |
discord-html-transcripts | Lastest ^3.1.3 | npm install discord-html-transcripts |
quick.db | Latest ^9.1.6 | npm install quick.db |
cli-color | Lastest ^2.0.2 | npm install cli-color |
discord.js | Lastest ^14.11.0 | npm install discord.js |
cpu-stat | Lastest ^2.0.1 | npm install cpu-stat |
dotenv | Lastest ^16.0.1 | npm install dotenv |
express | Lastest ^4.18.1 | npm install express |
fs | Lastest ^0.0.1-security | npm install fs |
moment | Lastest ^2.29.4 | npm install moment |
if the source packages needs updates you can open that file for update there👉🏻
if you install packages and want run your source you have to open that👉🏻
EZPZ your Music bot are installed and running around 🕺