- PROlog : Fairly simple logging/verbosity wrapper class. This is the only way PROfit should print. Usage as:
log<LOG_DEBUG>(L"%1% || Using a total of %2% individual files") % __func__ % num_files;
- LOG INFO = 3 : This should be level of standard physics output that someone would plausibly use, but not create giant log files!
- PROconfig : Primary bookkeeping and XML loading class. Stores ALL information of mode-detector-channel-subchannel information. Must be created once and only once per PROfit executable and passed by reference to more complex functions when it is needed.
- Contains helper functions channel<-> subchannel mapping..etc..
- As well as functions for how to collapse subchannels to channels
- PROspec : Class for storing final spectra and errors. Barebones class as all binning,collapsing handeld by PRoconfig/
- Essentially two Eigen::VectorXD ! Simple with helper functions
- PROpeller : The PROpeller, which moves the analysis forward. A class to keep all MC events for oscllation event-by-event.
- Saved as a set of six std::vector floats or ints.
- Currently only truth (energy), reco (energy) baseline, pdg, addedweight and precalculated bin incicies indicating where the reco variable fits in a given PROconfig defined binning.
- PROtocall : Currently a bit of a rogue set of functions that, given a PROconfig, dictate how to get binning and collapse Covariance matricies
- PROcess : The master weighting function that combines everything to give one final output spectra (PROspec) event-by-event.
- FillRecoSpectra (PROconfig,PROpeller,PROsyst,PROosc, shifts, phys param)
- PROcreate : Workhorse classes for loading the set of root ntuples and systematics into PROspec CV class and a vector of SystStructs for systematics.
- Needs a PROconfig to tell it exactly what to load and where (channel and subchannel info) to assign the variables. Also which systeatics to load.
- The class SystStruct is also defined in here (for some reason), which stores the weights and spline information for systematics
- PROsyst : Class that groups all systematics (each with a SystStruct) and manages their formation and effect on PROspecs
- i.e generates covariance matricies, fills splines, gets spline shifted spectrum.. etc..
- Currently has Spline (CAFana style), Covariance (SBNfit style) and MFA (2D spline to-be-implemented) options
- PROsc : The model class (not the lack of second 'o'). Currently is a very simple hardcoded 3+1 SBL approximation. -- End goal to implement custom classes, NuSquids..etc..
- PROchi : Class that gathers the MC (PROpeller), Systematics (PROsyst) and model (PROsc) and forms a function calculating a chi^2 that can be minimized over
PROtest PROfessional PROspect PROton PROpane PROcrastiation PRO.file PROtect PROcreate PROduce PROgress PROfane PROfanity PROlapse PROtocoll
rec.slc.truth.wgt..length = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 0, 0
rec.slc.truth.wgt..totarraysize = 130
rec.slc.truth.wgt.univ..length = 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, rec.slc.truth.wgt.univ..length[rec.slc.truth.wgt..totarraysize
rec.slc.truth.wgt.univ..totarraysize = 17559
rec.slc.truth.wgt.univ = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.861389, 1.15461 .. of length [rec.slc.truth.wgt.univ..totarraysize - 17559 Float]
rec.slc.truth.wgt.univ..idx = 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90, 96, 102, 108, 114 .. of lngth [rec.slc.truth.wgt..totarraysize INT]
rec.slc.truth.wgt..idx = 0, of length [ rec.slc..length ]
(rec.slc[si].truth.wgt[wi].univ[take next N]) [NUM] rec.slc.truth.wgh.univ[rec.slc.truth.wgt..idx[SLC]+I]+6