Add BCrypt password provider in Keycloak
Motor - the async Python driver for MongoDB and Tornado or asyncio
Library for mocking AsyncIOMotorClient built on top of mongomock.
A NOMAD plugin containing base sections for measurements.
NOMAD lets you manage and share your materials science data in a way that makes it truly useful to you, your group, and the community.
This is an example for NOMAD schema plugins. It should be forked to create actual plugins.
Archive of MaRDA Metadata Extractors Schema. See datatractor/schema for the current repository.
Specification for the ELN File Format
Convert WSGI app to ASGI app or ASGI app to WSGI app.
An example parser that can be forked to bootstrap new parsers for NOMAD.
Parse Python docstrings in various flavors.
allanlei / python-zipstream
Forked from SpiderOak/ZipStreamLike Python's ZipFile module, except it works as a generator that provides the file in many small chunks.
MatID is a python package for identifying and analyzing atomistic systems based on their structure. MatID is designed to help researchers in the automated analysis and labeling of atomistic datasets.
Execute data driven task-based workflows in parallel with python.
Precomputes OLAP cubes and allows to used them in dc.js by exposing a crossfilter compatible API.
A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations
Interactive charts and visualization for Angular 2 based on D3.js
Textual Editing Framework - Textual model editors that allow your meta-model to change
Unity3D Plugin for Android local notifications with example project
Complete GWT wrapper for Google's Universal Analytics
Polymer Web Components for GWT. A collection of Material Design widgets for desktop and mobile.
Mongojack maps Java objects to MongoDB documents. Based on the Jackson JSON mapper, Mongojack allows you to easily handle your mongo objects as POJOs (insert, search by id or by any other field, up…
A framework for delta compressing similar models
Easy development of RESTful API wrapper for Java with Xtend.
EMF-Fragments is a persistance framework for large EMF-models. It persists a model as a set of larger fragments and not based on an object relational mapping (like CDO).
CityGML4EMF provides everything needed to load, manipulate, maintain, and save CityGML models as EMF models.
SrcRepo allows to create large interconnected models from source code repositories and provides facilities to analyse/datamine these repository models efficiently.
A Java HTTP client for consuming Twitter's realtime Streaming API