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Oracle Time Zone Support

Philippe Marschall edited this page Jan 5, 2019 · 15 revisions

Using time zones with Oracle provides the greatest flexibility as both OffsetDateTime and ZondedDateTime are natively supported.


threeten-jpa-oracle-eclipselink contains JPA attribute converters which need to be listed in persistence.xml


When using the Oracle11 and Oracle12 platforms instead of the generic Oracle platform and mapping TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE to java.sql.Timestamp or java.util.Calendar in addition to OffsetDateTime or ZonedDateTime you'll be affected by bug 511999. As a work around we provide the following platforms:



As of ojdbc8 18.3 we recommend using Hibernate user types from threeten-jpa-jdbc42-hibernate for OffsetDateTime, ZonedDateTime and LocalDateTime. User types from threeten-jpa-oracle-hibernate should only be used for Oracle Interval Support.

public class SampleEntity {

  @Type(type = Jdbc42ZonedDateTimeType.NAME)
  private ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime;

  @Type(type = Jdbc42OffsetDateTimeType.NAME)
  private OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime;


Class Loading

Note the Oracle driver module has to be visible to the deployment (e.g Class Loading in WildFly).

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