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Template: Vite + Vue 3 + Sass + Tailwind 4 + DaisyUI 5

Starter template: Vite + Vue 3 + Sass + Tailwind 4 + DaisyUI 5

This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite. The template is based on the Vite + Vue 3 template, but with some additional features:

  • Vite for the build tool
  • Vue 3 for the frontend
  • Vue Router 4 for routing
  • Sass for styling
  • Tailwind CSS 4 for styling
  • DaisyUI 5 for additional Tailwind CSS components
  • PostCSS for transforming CSS with JS plugins
  • Theme configuration (light, dark, ...)
  • UI blocks (components) pre-configured with DaisyUI


Template initialization by forking (recommended) 🍴

⏩ Use github's template feature to create a new repository based on this template:

Create a repository from this template

Template initialization by cloning

⏩ Clone the repository:

git clone <project-name>

⏩ Change the directory:

cd <project-name>

⏩ Remove the .git directory:

rm -rf .git

⏩ Install the dependencies:

npm install


  • ⏩ Run the Vite development server with HMR: npm run dev


  • ⏩ Build the project: npm run build

Folder structure

  • 📁 public/ - Static files
  • 📁 src/ - Source files
    • 📁 assets/ - Static assets
      • 📁 images/ - Images
      • 📁 styles/ - Styles
        • 📁 vendor/ - Vendor styles (Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI)
    • 📁 components/ - Vue components
    • 📁 router/ - Vue Router configuration
    • 📁 views/ - Vue views
    • 📄 App.vue - Root component
    • 📄 main.js - Entry point

GitHub Pages

The template includes a GitHub workflow for deployment to GitHub Pages. To enable GitHub Pages:

  1. Visit your repository's Settings
  2. Select the Pages section
  3. In the "Build and deployment" area, set the source to "GitHub Actions"


  • 🕘 Add unit tests
  • 🕘 Minimal template (no additional features)