This repo contains several muscle-driven MuJoCo environments used for the RL experiments in Learning with Muscles: Benefits for Data-Efficiency and Robustness in Anthropomorphic Tasks paper, published at CoRL 2022. See here for videos and MPC/OC code.
The work was performed by Isabell Wochner* and Pierre Schumacher* (equal contribution), Georg Martius, Dieter Büchler, Syn Schmitt* and Daniel F.B. Haeufle* (equal contribution).
Humans are able to outperform robots in terms of robustness, versatility, and learning of new tasks in a wide variety of movements. We hypothesize that highly nonlinear muscle dynamics play a large role in providing inherent stability, which is favorable to learning. While recent advances have been made in applying modern learning techniques to muscle-actuated systems both in simulation as well as in robotics, so far, no detailed analysis has been performed to show the benefits of muscles when learning from scratch. Our study closes this gap and showcases the potential of muscle actuators for core robotics challenges in terms of data-efficiency, hyperparameter sensitivity, and robustness
To install the package, simply download the repo and install using pip:
conda create -n warmup python==3.9
git clone
pip install -e ./src/warmup
pip install -r ./src/warmup/requirements.txt
pip install -e ./src/warmup/muscle_mujoco_py/
Installing locally ensures that you can easily change environment parameters by modifying the param_files.
To run baselines, install:
git clone
pip install -e tonic/
The build has been tested with:
Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04
MuJoCo refers to the version of the binaries, not the DeepMind python bindings.
The major experiments (precise and fast reaching, hopping) can be repeated with the config files. Simply from the src folder:
python configs/arm_muscle_precise_reaching.yaml
to train an agent. Model checkpoints will be saved in the current directory. The progress can be monitored with:
python -m tonic.plot --path folder/
To execute a trained policy, use:
python -m --path folder/folder/
See the TonicRL documentation for details.
The underlying environment (warmup) can be used like any other gym environment:
import gym
import warmup
env = gym.make("muscle_arm-v0")
# for arm-based environments, you can test perturbations with
# env.activate_ball()
for ep in range(5):
ep_steps = 0
state = env.reset()
while True:
next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())
if done or (ep_steps >= env.max_episode_steps):
ep_steps += 1
Settings can be changed in the respective
json files. Use the ball_attached attribute to enable the chaotic load for perturbations.
The used muscle model can be found in:
Please use the following citation if you make use of our work:
title={Learning with Muscles: Benefits for Data-Efficiency and Robustness in Anthropomorphic Tasks},
author={Isabell Wochner and Pierre Schumacher and Georg Martius and Dieter B{\"u}chler and Syn Schmitt and Daniel Haeufle},
booktitle={6th Annual Conference on Robot Learning},