A forum style funding system for Masari currency
Written in Python using Flask originally by dsc (skftn) with contributions from camthegeek
- Simplistic user system
- Proposal system
- Accounting system
- Stats per proposal -- Coins received -- Coins paid out -- Coins available
- Comment system per proposal
- More in development
sudo apt install python-virtualenv python3 redis-server postgresql-server-dev-* postgresql postgresql-client python-pip virtualenv git
Run a masari node
Create the file wallet.json with the following contents
{"version":1, "filename":"funding","scan_from_height":0,"password":"set_password","viewkey":"a7bcbaf962cda3dac09db13b1679107a29a45b5973d9dfcbed0eaa7bf3f91e0c","address":"5me2m9HZgrr38Tn9JgSee84nuzf6sS2ms29yqWXLXDQQ4A1QYzZs1BjPhXi4X2HcCgLXQrc2sZuML6A4ihmWAvQ7BXCnaaQ"}
If necessary, create a new postgres user for this project Create a database for the funding system in postgres
Run an RPC wallet using this view-only wallet
./masari-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port 11182 --disable-rpc-login --generate-from-json wallet.json
git clone https://github.com/masari-project/masari-funding-system.git
cd masari-funding-system
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp settings.py_example settings.py
- change settings.py accordingly
python run_dev.py