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@zeitschlag zeitschlag released this 20 Apr 10:56
· 758 commits to develop since this release

App Store Release Notes

Hello! Hello and welcome to another version of hand-written release notes for Mastodon for iOS. This time it's the 2024.4-release and we're working hard to keep up the schedule: One release per month! Just kiddin. Truth to be told: We're basically a bunch of lazy people but from time to time we think: Well, we should ship another release. And then we work really, REALLY hard to make the Mastodon-app better. And this is why the 2024.4-version contains this:

  • We (hopefully!) improved the polls! Voting and poll creation should be much smoother and way more stable now. Give it a try and ask those nice and helpful people on Mastodon what to have for dinner tonight! (IOS-181)
  • New month, new me! We updated the designs of the Home-screen, you can switch between your local community-timeline and the people you're following. We also updated the little indicator (we call it: Pill) that shows if there are new posts or if that toot was sent. Let us know how you like those changes! (IOS-234, IOS-235)
  • We also updated how we present the timestamp and other meta-information of a post (IOS-232)
  • Under the Explore-tab, we improved the interface which lets you choose between the most popular posts and other things to explore (IOS-237)
  • Remember that we added Domain-blocking a few releases ago? Turns out: You could block the community you're part of. This wasn't intended at all and we just missed that, sorry and thanks for reporting! (GH-1269)
  • We added a new visibility option to post. It's called either "Unlisted" or "Quiet public" and modernized the icons for those different options. (GH-1271)
  • Temporarily we turned off haptic feedback. But same as with the community timeline or a famous killing machine: I(t) will be back! (IOS-247)
  • Last, but not least we tweaked how the number of people is presented. (GH-1266)

You see: Lots of new bits and pieces to improve the Mastodon-experience step by step. And we will keep making it better. Thank you so much for supporting us and using Mastodon and enjoy the rest of this day and week and month and year and so on!

What's Changed (Github-Release Notes)

Full Changelog: 2024.3...2024.4