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get rid of specialized notations
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affeldt-aist committed Feb 23, 2023
1 parent 5479f28 commit 303a4b5
Showing 1 changed file with 36 additions and 68 deletions.
104 changes: 36 additions & 68 deletions theories/probability.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,13 +15,11 @@ Require Import sequences esum measure numfun lebesgue_measure lebesgue_integral.
(* convn R == the type of sequence f : R^nat s.t. *)
(* \sum_(n <oo) (f n)%:E = 1, the convex combination *)
(* of the point (f n) *)
(* X `^+ n := the measurable function (fun x => x ^+ n) \o X *)
(* {RV P >-> R} == real random variable: a measurable function from *)
(* the measurableType of the probability P to R *)
(* f `o X == composition of a measurable function and a R.V. *)
(* X `^+ n := (fun x => x ^+ n) `o X *)
(* X `+ Y, X `- Y == addition, subtraction of R.V. *)
(* k `\o* X := k \o* X *)
(* 'E X == expectation of of the real random variable X *)
(* 'E_P [X] == expectation of of the real measurable function X *)
(* mu.-Lspace p := [set f : T -> R | measurable_fun setT f /\ *)
(* \int[mu]_(x in D) (`|f x| ^+ p)%:E < +oo] *)
(* 'V X == variance of the real random variable X *)
Expand All @@ -39,11 +37,8 @@ Reserved Notation "'{' 'RV' P >-> R '}'"
(at level 0, format "'{' 'RV' P '>->' R '}'").
Reserved Notation "f `o X" (at level 50, format "f `o '/ ' X").
Reserved Notation "X '`^+' n" (at level 11).
Reserved Notation "X `+ Y" (at level 50).
Reserved Notation "X `- Y" (at level 50).
Reserved Notation "X `* Y" (at level 49).
Reserved Notation "k `\o* X" (at level 49).
Reserved Notation "''E' X" (format "''E' X", at level 5).
Reserved Notation "''E_' P [ X ]" (format "''E_' P [ X ]", at level 5).
Reserved Notation "''V' X" (format "''V' X", at level 5).
Reserved Notation "'{' 'dRV' P >-> R '}'"
(at level 0, format "'{' 'dRV' P '>->' R '}'").
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,17 +107,16 @@ Lemma probability_integrable_cst k : P.-integrable [set: T] (EFin \o cst k).
split; first exact/EFin_measurable_fun/measurable_fun_cst.
have [k0|k0] := leP 0 k.
- rewrite (eq_integral (EFin \o cst_mfun k))//; last first.
- rewrite (eq_integral (EFin \o cst k))//; last first.
by move=> x _ /=; rewrite ger0_norm.
by rewrite /= integral_cst//= probability_setT mule1 ltey.
- rewrite (eq_integral (EFin \o cst_mfun (- k)))//; last first.
- rewrite (eq_integral (EFin \o cst (- k)))//; last first.
by move=> x _ /=; rewrite ltr0_norm.
by rewrite /= integral_cst//= probability_setT mule1 ltey.

End probability_lemmas.

(* equip functions with the isMeasurableFun interface to define R.V. *)
Section mfun.
Variable R : realType.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +144,7 @@ HB.instance Definition _ m := @isMeasurableFun.Build _ _ R

Definition mabs : R -> R := fun x => `| x |.

Let measurable_fun_mabs : measurable_fun setT (mabs).
Let measurable_fun_mabs : measurable_fun setT mabs.
Proof. exact: measurable_fun_normr. Qed.

HB.instance Definition _ := @isMeasurableFun.Build _ _ R
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,6 +172,12 @@ HB.instance Definition _ := @isMeasurableFun.Build _ _ R (f \o g)

End comp_mfun.

Definition mexp_comp d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(X : {mfun T >-> R}) n : {mfun T >-> R} :=
[the {mfun _ >-> R} of @mexp R n \o X].

Notation "X '`^+' n" := (mexp_comp [the {mfun _ >-> _} of X%R] n).

Definition random_variable (d : _) (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(P : probability T R) := {mfun T >-> R}.

Expand All @@ -192,69 +192,36 @@ Lemma probability_range d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(P : probability T R) (X : {RV P >-> R}) : P (X @^-1` range X) = 1%E.
Proof. by rewrite preimage_range probability_setT. Qed.

Section random_variables.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType) (P : probability T R).

Definition comp_RV (f : {mfun _ >-> R}) (X : {RV P >-> R}) : {RV P >-> R} :=
[the {RV P >-> R} of f \o X].

Local Notation "f `o X" := (comp_RV f X).

Definition exp_RV (X : {RV P >-> R}) n : {RV P >-> R} :=
[the {mfun _ >-> R} of @mexp R n] `o X.

Definition add_RV (X Y : {RV P >-> R}) : {RV P >-> R} :=
[the {mfun _ >-> _} of X + Y].

Definition sub_RV (X Y : {RV P >-> R}) : {RV P >-> R} :=
[the {mfun _ >-> _} of X - Y].

Definition scale_RV k (X : {RV P >-> R}) : {RV P >-> R} :=
[the {mfun _ >-> _} of k \o* X].

Definition mul_RV (X Y : {RV P >-> R}) : {RV P >-> R} :=
[the {mfun _ >-> _} of (X \* Y)].

End random_variables.
Notation "f `o X" := (comp_RV f X).
Notation "X '`^+' n" := (exp_RV X n).
Notation "X `+ Y" := (add_RV X Y).
Notation "X `- Y" := (sub_RV X Y).
Notation "X `* Y" := (mul_RV X Y).
Notation "k `\o* X" := (scale_RV k X).

Lemma mul_cst d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(P : probability T R)(k : R) (X : {RV P >-> R}) : k `\o* X = (cst_mfun k) `* X.
Proof. by apply/mfuneqP => x /=; exact: mulrC. Qed.

Section expectation.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType) (P : probability T R).

Definition expectation (X : {RV P >-> R}) := \int[P]_w (X w)%:E.

End expectation.
Notation "''E' X" := (expectation X).
Notation "''E_' P [ X ]" := (@expectation _ _ _ P [the {mfun _ >-> _} of X]).

Section expectation_lemmas.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType) (P : probability T R).

Lemma expectation_cst r : 'E (cst_mfun r : {RV P >-> R}) = r%:E.
Lemma expectation_cst r : 'E_P [cst r] = r%:E.
Proof. by rewrite /expectation /= integral_cst//= probability_setT mule1. Qed.

Lemma expectation_indic (A : set T) (mA : measurable A) :
'E (indic_mfun A mA : {RV P >-> R}) = P A.
'E_P[indic_mfun A mA] = P A.
Proof. by rewrite /expectation integral_indic// setIT. Qed.

Lemma integrable_expectation (X : {RV P >-> R})
(iX : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o X)) : `| 'E X | < +oo.
(iX : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o X)) : `| 'E_P [X] | < +oo.
move: iX => [? Xoo]; rewrite (le_lt_trans _ Xoo)//.
exact: le_trans (le_abse_integral _ _ _).

Lemma expectationM (X : {RV P >-> R}) (iX : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o X))
(k : R) : 'E (k `\o* X) = k%:E * 'E X.
(k : R) : 'E_P [k \o* X] = k%:E * 'E X.
rewrite /expectation.
under eq_integral do rewrite EFinM.
Expand All @@ -267,8 +234,8 @@ Proof.
by move=> ?; rewrite /expectation integral_ge0// => x _; rewrite lee_fin.

Lemma expectation_le (X Y : {RV P >-> R}) : (forall x, 0 <= X x)%R ->
(forall x, X x <= Y x)%R -> 'E X <= 'E Y.
Lemma expectation_le (X Y : {mfun T >-> R}) : (forall x, 0 <= X x)%R ->
(forall x, X x <= Y x)%R -> 'E_P [X] <= 'E_P [Y].
move => X0 XY; rewrite /expectation ge0_le_integral => //.
- by move=> t _; apply: X0.
Expand All @@ -279,11 +246,13 @@ move => X0 XY; rewrite /expectation ge0_le_integral => //.

Lemma expectationD (X Y : {RV P >-> R}) (iX : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o X))
(iY : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o Y)) : 'E (X `+ Y) = 'E X + 'E Y.
(iY : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o Y)) :
'E_P [X \+ Y]%R = 'E X + 'E Y.
Proof. by rewrite /expectation integralD_EFin. Qed.

Lemma expectationB (X Y : {RV P >-> R}) (iX : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o X))
(iY : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o Y)) : 'E (X `- Y) = 'E X - 'E Y.
(iY : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o Y)) :
'E_P [X \- Y]%R = 'E X - 'E Y.
Proof. by rewrite /expectation integralB_EFin. Qed.

End expectation_lemmas.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,29 +291,28 @@ Section variance.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType) (P : probability T R).

Definition variance (X : {RV P >-> R}) :=
'E ((X `- cst_mfun (fine 'E X)) `^+ 2).
Definition variance (X : {RV P >-> R}) := 'E_P [(X \- cst (fine 'E X)) `^+ 2].
Local Notation "''V' X" := (variance X).

Lemma varianceE (X : {RV P >-> R}) : P.-Lspace 1 X -> P.-Lspace 2 X ->
'V X = 'E (X `^+ 2) - ('E X) ^+ 2.
'V X = 'E_P [X `^+ 2] - ('E X) ^+ 2.
move=> X1 X2.
have ? : P.-integrable [set: T] (EFin \o X) by rewrite Lspace1 in X1.
have ? : P.-integrable [set: T] (EFin \o X `^+ 2) by apply: Lspace2.
have ? : 'E X \is a fin_num by rewrite fin_num_abs// integrable_expectation.
rewrite /variance (_ : _ `^+ 2 = X `^+ 2 `- (2 * fine 'E X) `\o* X
`+ fine ('E X ^+ 2) `\o* cst_mfun 1); last first.
rewrite /variance (_ : _ `^+ 2 = [the {mfun _ >-> _} of
(X `^+ 2 \- (2 * fine 'E X) \o* X \+ fine ('E X ^+ 2) \o* cst 1)%R]); last first.
apply/mfuneqP => x /=; rewrite /mexp /subr/= sqrrB -[RHS]/(_ - _ + _)%R /=.
by rewrite mulr_natl -mulrnAr mul1r fineM.
rewrite expectationD; last 2 first.
- rewrite (_ : _ \o _ =
(fun x => (EFin \o (X `^+ 2)) x - (EFin \o (2 * fine 'E X `\o* X)) x)) //.
(fun x => (EFin \o (X `^+ 2)) x - (EFin \o (2 * fine 'E X \o* X)) x)) //.
apply: integrableB => //.
apply: (eq_integrable _ (fun x => (2 * fine 'E X)%:E * (X x)%:E)) => //.
by move=> t _ /=; rewrite muleC EFinM.
exact: integrablerM.
- apply: (eq_integrable _ (fun x => (fine ('E X ^+ 2))%:E * (cst_mfun 1 x)%:E)) => //.
- apply: (eq_integrable _ (fun x => (fine ('E X ^+ 2))%:E * (cst 1 x)%:E)) => //.
by move=> t _ /=; rewrite mul1r mule1.
by apply: integrablerM => //; exact: probability_integrable_cst.
rewrite expectationB //; last first.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,7 +385,7 @@ Lemma markov (X : {RV P >-> R}) (f : {mfun _ >-> R}) (eps : R) :
(0 < eps)%R -> (forall r : R, 0 <= f r)%R ->
{in `[0, +oo[%classic &, {homo f : x y / x <= y}}%R ->
(f eps)%:E * P [set x | eps%:E <= `| (X x)%:E | ] <=
'E ([the {mfun _ >-> R} of f \o @mabs R] `o X).
'E_P [[the {mfun _ >-> R} of f \o @mabs R \o X]].
move=> e0 f0 f_nd.
rewrite -(setTI [set _ | _]).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,7 +417,7 @@ move => heps.
have [hv|hv] := eqVneq ('V X)%E (+oo)%E.
by rewrite hv mulr_infty gtr0_sg ?mul1e// ?leey// invr_gt0// exprn_gt0.
have h (Y : {RV P >-> R}) :
P [set x | (eps <= `|Y x|)%R] <= (eps ^- 2)%:E * 'E (Y `^+ 2).
P [set x | (eps <= `|Y x|)%R] <= (eps ^- 2)%:E * 'E_P [Y `^+ 2].
rewrite -lee_pdivr_mull; last by rewrite invr_gt0// exprn_gt0.
rewrite exprnN expfV exprz_inv opprK -exprnP.
have : {in `[0, +oo[%classic &, {homo mexp 2 : x y / x <= y :> R}}%R.
Expand All @@ -460,7 +428,7 @@ have h (Y : {RV P >-> R}) :
apply: expectation_le => //=.
- by move=> x; rewrite /mexp /mabs sqr_ge0.
- by move=> x; rewrite /mexp /mexp /mabs real_normK// num_real.
have := h [the {RV P >-> R} of X `- cst_mfun (fine ('E X))].
have := h [the {mfun T >-> R} of (X \- cst (fine ('E X)))%R].
by move=> /le_trans; apply; rewrite lee_pmul2l// lte_fin invr_gt0 exprn_gt0.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -563,10 +531,10 @@ Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType) (P : probability T R)
(X : {dRV P >-> R}).

Lemma probability_distribution r :
P [set x | (X : {RV P >-> R}) x = r] = distribution P X [set r].
P [set x | X x = r] = distribution P X [set r].
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma dRV_expectation : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o (X : {RV P >-> R})) ->
Lemma dRV_expectation : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o X) ->
'E (X : {RV P >-> R}) = (\sum_(n <oo) enum_prob X n * (dRV_enum X n)%:E)%E.
move=> ix; rewrite /expectation.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,7 +583,7 @@ Qed.
Definition pmf (X : {dRV P >-> R}) (r : R) : R :=
fine (P (X @^-1` [set r])).

Lemma expectation_pmf : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o (X : {RV P >-> R})) ->
Lemma expectation_pmf : P.-integrable setT (EFin \o X) ->
'E (X : {RV P >-> R}) =
(\sum_(n <oo | n \in dRV_dom X) (pmf X (dRV_enum X n))%:E * (dRV_enum X n)%:E)%E.
Expand Down

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