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Use Azure Bicep to upload data to an Azure Storage Account


These examples demonstrate how to upload data to the different storage services in a Storage Account using Azure Bicep.


Two reasons why you might want to do this:

  • You want to create a certain resource that requires you to point to a script located at a URI in blob storage. You can then upload the blob and then reference it in your other resource, all from the same Bicep deployment. A concrete example for this scenario is if you want to create an Azure Automation runbook. In this case you have to provide a URI to the script that makes up the runbook.
  • You want to set up an infrastructure with sample data available in any or all of the storage services for demonstration purposes.


  • Azure CLI (install)
  • Azure Bicep CLI (install with az bicep install)
  • Set a default subscription with az account set --subscription <name or id of subscription>
  • You should be an Owner of the subscription you use


Set a location for the deployment. To see available locations run az account list-locations -o table.


Blob example

A new storage account is created with a blob container. The blob in data/blob.txt will be uploaded to the blob container. Deploy the example with the Azure CLI.

az deployment sub create \
    --name blob-example \
    --location $location \
    --template-file ./main.bicep \
    --parameters blobExample=true

Queue example

A new storage account is created with a message queue. The queue data in data/queue.xml will be posted as a message in the queue. The operation requires a SAS token, this is generated using the Azure CLI. There is no direct support to post messages to a storage queue using the Azure CLI, thus the REST API is used through the az rest command. The script that generates the SAS token and issues the REST API call is available in scripts/ Deploy the example with the Azure CLI.

az deployment sub create \
    --name queue-example \
    --location $location \
    --template-file ./main.bicep \
    --parameters queueExample=true

Table example

A new storage account is created with a storage table. The table row data in data/table.json will be added as a row in the table. The operation requires a SAS token, this is generated using the Azure CLI. There is no direct support to add a row to a table using the Azure CLI, thus the REST API is used through the az rest command. The script that generates the SAS token and issues the REST API call is available in scripts/ Deploy the example with the Azure CLI.

az deployment sub create \
    --name table-example \
    --location $location \
    --template-file ./main.bicep \
    --parameters tableExample=true

File example

A new storage account is created with a file share. The file in data/file.txt will be uploaded to the file share. Deploy the example with the Azure CLI.

az deployment sub create \
    --name file-example \
    --location $location \
    --template-file ./main.bicep \
    --parameters fileExample=true

All examples

Try all examples at the same time.

az deployment sub create \
    --name all-examples \
    --location $location \
    --template-file ./main.bicep \
    --parameters blobExample=true queueExample=true tableExample=true fileExample=true


Delete the resource group.

rgName=$(az group list \
    --query "[[email protected] && tags.application == 'azure-bicep-upload-data-to-storage'] | [0].name" \
    --output tsv)
az group delete --name $rgName --yes --no-wait


  • In the current version of Azure Bicep (v0.5.6) it is not possible to use dynamic strings in the loadTextContent function. This prohibits us from using a loop construct for the deployment script resources, which would have allowed us to add several blobs, queue messages, table rows, and files, in the same deployment. A workaround is to expand the script used to perform the upload in creative ways (e.g. use a loop in Bash).
  • Working with blobs and files is convenient because the Azure CLI supports upload operations out of the box. Working with queues and tables is not supported out of the box, which means we have to generate SAS-tokens to authenticate directly to the REST API. This is why separate scripts are provided for these services in order to keep the Bicep code clean.