##Lightweight standalone Java XML parsing.
This project has been written in (nearly) vanilla Java to allow for
portability across platforms with no modifications. There are a few
dependancies on java.util
that are being worked out. TokenXML offers
extra support for special XML nodes such as DOCTYPE declarations,
comment nodes and others. TokenXML also includes a formatter that
can be used to 'pretty print' an XML document.
##Downloading All of the source code is included in the src directory. There currently is no release version of the code but there should be in the near future.
There is a make
file included which is not very protable. There
should soon be an ant script that will do the same task.
To compile manually use the following
javac -sourcepath src -d bin src/emex/xml/*.java src/emex/xml/parse/*.java
javac -sourcepath src -d bin src\emex\xml\*.java src\emex\xml\parse\*.java