Library which takes a queue of colors and an instance of LED strip. It animates from color to color using the transition specified and sends the current color to the LED strip.
npm install colorqueue
Mostl likely this will be used within another preconfigured setup such as (colorqueue-firebase)[]
Create new ColorQueue:
import * as dotstar from 'dotstar';
import * as colorqueue from 'colorqueue';
const SPI = require('pi-spi');
spi = SPI.initialize('/dev/spidev0.0');
const ledStrip = new dotstar.Dotstar(spi, {
length: 144
const colorqueue1 = new colorqueue.ColorQueue(ledStrip);
The example below uses a DotStar led library but ColorQueue can be used with any thing that implements ILedStrip.
export interface ILedStrip {
all(r: number, g: number, b: number, a?: number): void;
set(led: number, r: number, g: number, b: number, a?: number): void;
clear(): void;
off(): void;
sync(): void;
Start the color queue
(Iterate through color transitions and update LEDs every X milliseconds based on configuration interval)
Stop the color queue
Add color to internal list
Remove color by order which is a unique id as millisecond timestamp
Remove all colors and turn LEDs off
A color-transition interface
export interface IColor {
r: number,
b: number,
g: number,
a: number
export interface IColorTransition extends IColor {
duration: number;
transition: string;
order: number;