A Kotlin Multiplatform pomodoro timer App for Android and iOS, having a shared UI written with Compose Multiplatform.
- Start, pause and stop pomodoro timer.
- Set pomodoro timer duration
- View statistics on hours worked per week.
- Get a notification when the timer is up (on Android, additionally a sticky notification is shown showing the current timer status while the App is in the background).
- SQLDelight database (SQLite) for storing the work packages.
- Multiplatform Settings for storing the app settings like the pomodoro timer duration.
- Compose Multiplatform for creating a shared UI.
- Moko Resources for sharing localized strings.
- Voyager navigation library for Compose Multiplatform.
- Koin dependency injection framework.
- Kermit Kotlin Multiplatform logging utility.
- Compose Multiplatform Chart library for the bar chart statistics.