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TM16xx base class reference

Maxint R&D edited this page Jan 9, 2025 · 8 revisions
Use Function
Constructor TM16..(byte dataPin, byte clockPin, byte strobePin, byte nDigitsUsed=..)
Initialisation begin(bool activateDisplay=true, byte intensity=7)
Change brightness setupDisplay(bool active, byte intensity)
Flip display setDisplayFlipped(bool flipped)
Clear display clearDisplay()
Set 8 segments setSegments(byte segments, byte position)
Set 16 segments setSegments16(uint16_t segments, byte position)
Set single digit setDisplayDigit(byte digit, byte pos=0, bool dot=false, const byte numberFont[] = TM16XX_NUMBER_FONT)
Show a number setDisplayToDecNumber(int nNumber, byte bDots=0)
Clear single digit clearDisplayDigit(byte pos, bool dot=false)
Set multiple digits setDisplay(const byte values[], byte size=8)
Show a string setDisplayToString(const char* string, const word dots=0, const byte pos=0, const byte font[] = TM16XX_FONT_DEFAULT)
Get button state uint32_t getButtons()

Complete examples can be found here.

TM16xx base class functions

Constructor: TM16..(byte dataPin, byte clockPin, byte strobePin, byte nDigitsUsed=..)

All chip-specific classes are derived from the TM16xx base class. Depending on the interface they have one or more parameters to specify the connecting pins. For a full overview of all TM16xx chips and interfaces go to TM16xx chips features

  • byte dataPin - pin used for data signal: DIN or DIO
  • byte clockPin - pin used for clock signal: CLK
  • byte strobePin - pin used for strobe signal: STB
  • byte nDigitsUsed - number of digits used in the display. Default value depends on specific chip


#include <TM1638.h>
#include <TM1637.h>
#include <TM1652.h>

TM1638 module1(8, 9, 7);   // dataPin: 8, clockPin: 9, strobePin: 7, using default of 8 digits for TM1638
TM1637 module2(3, 4, 4);   // dataPin: 3, clockPin: 4, no strobePin, 4 digits
TM1652 module3(9, 4);   // dataPin: 9, no clockPin, no strobePin, 4 digits


  • Constructor parameters activateDisplay and intensity are deprecated and are not used anymore.
  • In earlier releases the constructor called setupDisplay() and clearDisplay(). To solve issues on processors such as ESP32, RP2040 and CH32 these calls and their associated parameters wer moved to begin() (see below).

begin(bool activateDisplay=true, byte intensity=7)

To initialize a module/chip begin() can be called in setup(). It typically calls calls setupDisplay() and clearDisplay() to as part of the initialization.

  • bool activateDisplay - Initial state of the display; default true means display is on
  • byte intensity - Initial brightness level of the display. Levels 0-7 where 7 is most bright


setup() {


  • Calling begin() isn't mandatory. If it isn't called explicitly in setup(), it will be called implicitly at the first display/clearing of data, using default brightness. To set specific brightness either call begin() or call setupDisplay() after clearDisplay().
  • When the display is switched off, the chip/module will not be able to read buttons being pressed.

setupDisplay(bool active, byte intensity)

Set the display (segments and LEDs) on or off and set the intensity/brightness (range 0-7). Use this function for instance to change the brightness after measuring the surrounding light with a light dependent resistor (LDR).

  • bool activateDisplay - Initial state of the display; default true means display is on
  • byte intensity - Initial brightness level of the display. Levels 0-7 where 7 is most bright


  module.setupDisplay(true, 3);  // on/off, intensity (range 0-7).

Note: when the display is switched off using setupDisplay(), the chip/module will not be able to read buttons being pressed.

setDisplayFlipped(bool flipped)

Sets flipped state of the display. When displaying numbers (or text) every digit will be rotated 180 degrees.

  • bool flipped - true means subsequent data/text will be flipped.


  module.setDisplayFlipped(true);  // flip all subsequent displaying of numbers/text 188 degrees.

Note: setting the display to flipped only affects subsequent displaying of data, not what is currently being shown. If affects all functions that display text or numbers but not setSegments() and setSegments16().


Clear the display. All LEDs of the display will be switched of and no data is displayed.


  module.clearDisplay();  // clear all digits of the display.

setSegments(byte segments, byte position)

Set up to 8 segments of display digit, one digit at a time.

  • byte segments - Value representing the state of each segment. Order is bit 0 - 7 for segments A-G,DP (see below).
  • byte position - The position of the digit on the display. Order is left to right. 0 is the leftmost digit.


  module.setSegments(123, 0);  // Set the segments of digit 0 to 123, this is binary value
                               // 0111 1011 for segments ABDEFG, forming the lower case letter 'e'
Segment labels       Segment bits
 -- A --              -- 0 --
|       |            |       |
F       B            5       1
 -- G --              -- 6 --
E       C            4       2
|       |            |       |
 -- D --  .DP         -- 3 --  .7

Common pinout 7-segments x 4 digits:
    12 11 10  9  8  7
     |  |  |  |  |  |
+------------------------+     12, 9, 8, 6: GRD1-GRD4
|   --   --   --   --    |
|  |  | |  | |  | |  |   |     1: SEG_E    5: SEG_G
|   --   --   --   --    |     2: SEG_D    7: SEG_B
|  |  | |  | |  | |  |   |     3: SEG_DP  10: SEG_F
|   -- . -- . -- . -- .  |     4: SEG_C   11: SEG_A
     |  |  |  |  |  |
     1  2  3  4  5  6

setSegments16(uint16_t segments, byte position)

Set up to 16 segments of a display digit, one digit at a time. Some chips/modules can address more than 8 segments per position. Alpha-numeric displays can use this for more accurate character representation.

  • uint16_t segments - Value representing the state of each segment. Order is bit 0 - 14 for segments A-G1,DP,G2-N.
  • byte position - The position of the digit on the display. Order is left to right. 0 is the leftmost digit.


  module.setSegments16(0xFFFF, 0);  // light up the all 16 segments of digit 0
14+1 segment labels and bit-assignment:
   |---A---|          Bit Segment     Bit Segment
   |\  |  /|          [0]       A    [ 8]      G2
   F H J K B          [1]       B    [ 9]       H
   |  \|/  |          [2]       C    [10]       J
   |-G1-G2-|          [3]       D    [11]       K
   |  /|\  |          [4]       E    [12]       L
   E N M L C          [5]       F    [13]       M
   |/  |  \|          [6]      G1    [14]       N
   |---D---| DP       [7]      DP

Pinout dual-digit LED-display marked 5241AS on module QYF0231 (bottom side up):
  | | | | | | | | |            Index Segment Pin             Index Segment Pin
  | | | | | | | | |            [0]         A  12             [ 8]       G2   6 
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9            [1]         B  10             [ 9]        H  17
+-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-+ <-marked [2]         C   9             [10]        J  15
| o o x o o o o o o |    side  [3]         D   7             [11]        K  14
|        .         .|          [4]         E   1             [12]        L   5
| 5241AS (Com.Cat.) |          [5]         F  18             [13]        M   4
| 5241BS (Com.An.)  |          [6]        G1  13             [14]        N   2
|                   |          [7]        DP   8
| o o v o o o o v o |
+-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-+       (x) Pin 3 is not connected
  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1         (v) Anode/Cathode digit 1 is on pin 16
  8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0         (v) Anode/Cathode digit 2 is on pin 11
  | | | | | | | | |   

Note: LED-display KYX-5241AS has the same pinout, but NC pin 3 is missing.

Note: For compatibility bits 0-7 are in the same order as A-G on a 7-segment display. Most characters in the TM16XX_FONT_15SEG font are based on their 7-seg counterparts to keep styling alike.

For the easy to use and familiar print() method and other more advanced display methods you can use the TM16xxDisplay class.

setDisplayDigit(byte digit, byte pos=0, bool dot=false, const byte numberFont[] = TM16XX_NUMBER_FONT)

Set a single display at pos (starting at 0) to a digit (left to right).

  • byte digit - the single digit number to be displayed
  • byte pos - the position of the display
  • bool dot - set decimal point/dot (DP) on or off
  • const byte numberFont[] - font used to display the numbers. Defaults to hexadecimal font


  module.setDisplayDigit(7,1,true);  // show number 7 at position 1 with dot: 7.

setDisplayToDecNumber(int nNumber, byte bDots=0)

Set the display to a decimal number.

  • int nNumber - the multi digit number to be displayed. Will be right aligned with leading zeros
  • byte bDots - bitwise representation of the decimal point state between each digit


  module.setDisplayToDecNumber(1234, bit(2));  // show number 1234 with dot on position 2: 123.4

Note: Use the TM16xxDisplay class for more ways to display text and numbers, including the showing or hiding of leading zeros.

clearDisplayDigit(byte pos, bool dot=false)

Clear a single display at pos (starting at 0, left to right)

  • byte pos - the position of the display
  • bool dot - set decimal point/dot (DP) on or off


  module.clearDisplayDigit(1, true);  // clear position 1 but leave the dot

setDisplay(const byte values[], byte size=8)

Set the segments of the display to specific values (left to right)

  • const byte values[] - array of bytes containing segment states
  • byte size - number of bytes in the array


  module1.setDisplay((const byte[]) {0xFF, 0x3F, 0xFF}, 3);  // set the segments of positions 0, 1 and 2 to show "8.0.8".

setDisplayToString(const char* string, const word dots=0, const byte pos=0, const byte font[] = TM16XX_FONT_DEFAULT)

Set the display to the string (defaults to built in font)

  • const char* string - the text to be displayed
  • const word dots - the state of the dots between each digit; default 0 means no dots lit
  • const byte pos - the starting position of the text; default 0 means start at leftmost position
  • const byte font[] - the font to be used; defaults to 7-segment alphanumeric font


  module.setDisplayToString("Tst", 0, 1);   // show "Tst" at position 1

Use the TM16xxDisplay class for the easier to use familiar print() method.

uint32_t getButtons()

Key-scanning - return the state of up to 32 keys.

Note: not all TM16xx chips support key-scanning and sizes are different per chip. Up to 32 key states are supported, but specific chips may support less keys or less combinations. For a full overview of all TM16xx chips and the number of buttons that can be scanned, go to TM16xx chips features.

The chip specific derived class method will return a 32-bit value representing the state of each key. Returns 0 if no key is pressed.


  uint32_t dwButtons=module.getButtons();
     // do something
     Serial.println(dwButtons, HEX);

Please note that while you don't need to write any code for debouncing, the button state may be reset when you display something. For advanced detection of button clicks, double clicks and long presses you can use the TM16xxButtons class.