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Releases: maxmind/minfraud-api-python


10 Feb 17:44
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  • BREAKING CHANGE: The minfraud.model.* classes have been refactored to
    simplify them and make them more flexible. They are no longer subclass
    NamedTuple and are now standard Python classes. This also means the
    classes are no longer immutable. For most users, these differences should
    not impact their integration.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Model attributes that were formerly tuples are now lists.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The deprecated is_high_risk attribute on has been removed.
  • IMPORTANT: Python 3.9 or greater is required. If you are using an older
    version, please use an earlier release.
  • Added to_dict methods to the model classes. These return a dict version
    of the object that is suitable for serialization. It recursively calls
    to_dict or the equivalent on all objects contained within the object.
  • The minFraud Factors subscores have been deprecated. They will be removed
    in March 2025. Please see our release notes <>_
    for more information.
  • Added epayco to the /payment/processor validation.


06 Sep 17:57
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2.12.0b1 Pre-release
  • setuptools was incorrectly listed as a runtime dependency. This has
    been removed.
  • Added support for the new risk reasons outputs in minFraud Factors. The risk
    reasons output codes and reasons are currently in beta and are subject to
    change. We recommend that you use these beta outputs with caution and avoid
    relying on them for critical applications.


08 Jul 21:51
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  • Updated the validation for the Report Transactions API to make the
    ip_address parameter optional. Now the tag and at least one of the
    following parameters must be supplied: ip_address, maxmind_id,
    minfraud_id, transaction_id.
  • Added billing_phone and shipping_phone properties to the minFraud
    Insights and Factors response models. These contain objects with information
    about the respective phone numbers. Please see our developer site <>_ for
    more information.
  • Added payconex to the /payment/processor validation.


16 Apr 22:00
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  • Added the following new values to the /payment/processor validation:

    • pxp_financial
    • trustpay
  • Equivalent domain names are now normalized when hash_email is used.
    For example, will become

  • Periods are now removed from email address local parts when
    hash_email is used. For example, [email protected] will become
    [email protected].

  • Fastmail alias subdomain email addresses are now normalized when
    hash_email is used. For example, [email protected] will
    become [email protected].

  • Additional email addresses now have aliases removed from
    their local part when hash_email is used. For example,
    [email protected] will become [email protected] for additional domains.

  • Duplicate .com s are now removed from email domain names when
    hash_email is used. For example, will become

  • Certain TLD typos are now normalized when hash_email is used. For
    example, example.comcom will become

  • Additional domain names with leading digits are now
    normalized when hash_email is used. For example, will

  • Additional typos are now normalized when hash_email is
    used. For example, will become

  • When hash_email is used, the local part of an email address is now
    normalized to NFC.


05 Dec 22:41
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  • IMPORTANT: Python 3.8 or greater is required. If you are using an older
    version, please use an earlier release.
  • Updated geoip2 to version that includes the is_anycast attribute on
    geoip2.record.Traits. This property is True if the IP address
    belongs to an anycast network <>_.
    This is available in minFraud Insights and Factors.


09 May 20:39
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  • IMPORTANT: Python 3.7 or greater is required. If you are using an older
    version, please use an earlier release.
  • Added the following new values to the /payment/processor validation:
    • google_pay
    • placetopay
    • shopify_payments


29 Mar 14:54
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  • Updated code to correctly handle None Content-Type from minFraud
    web service. This should never happen, but if it does, the correct
    exception will now be thrown.


29 Mar 14:40
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  • Fixed KeyError when using the report() method. Reported by siang.
    GitHub #99.


28 Mar 19:27
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  • Added the input /credit_card/country. This is the country where the
    issuer of the card is located. This may be passed instead of
    /credit_card/issuer_id_number if you do not wish to pass partial
    account numbers or if your payment processor does not provide them.


25 Jan 17:20
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  • Upgraded geoip2 to 4.5.0. This adds mobile country code (MCC) and mobile
    network code (MNC) to minFraud Insights and Factors responses. These are
    available at response.ip_address.traits.mobile_country_code and
    response.ip_address.traits.mobile_network_code. We expect this data to be
    available by late January, 2022.
  • Added the following new values to the /payment/processor validation:
    • boacompra
    • boku
    • coregateway
    • fiserv
    • neopay
    • neosurf
    • openbucks
    • paysera
    • payvision
    • trustly
    • windcave
  • The /credit_card/last_4_digits input has been deprecated in favor of
    /credit_card/last_digits and will be removed in a future release.
    last_digits/last_4_digits also now supports two digit values in
    addition to the previous four digit values.
  • Eight digit /credit_card/issuer_id_number inputs are now supported in
    addition to the previously accepted six digit issuer_id_number. In most
    cases, you should send the last four digits for last_digits. If you send
    an issuer_id_number that contains an eight digit IIN, and if the credit
    card brand is not one of the following, you should send the last two digits
    for last_digits:
    • Discover
    • JCB
    • Mastercard
    • UnionPay
    • Visa