Code for the PSnQ.
The proto-draft of the paper is here: gitlab inria
Download the folder with the example.
To run it, do python
in a terminal.
The C# example is only available at the moment in the artifact (check your work or personal email for the link).
The Pharo example requires SeekerDebugger to run.
Requires the following classes and methods:
MyClass >> methodA
| w |
w := 1.
^ w
MyClass >> methodB
| x |
x := 2.
self methodC.
^ x
MyClass >> methodC
| y |
y := 3.
^ y
MyClass >> methodD
| z |
z := 4.
^ z
Program class >> main
| obj |
obj := MyClass
obj methodA.
obj methodB.
obj methodD
To run the first example in Pharo, do the following in a Playground:
Transcript show: 'I. Message sends query (Pharo)'; cr.
debuggeeProgramBlock := [ Program main ].
ps := debuggeeProgramBlock asProgramStates.
messageSends := Query from: ps
select: [ :state | state isMessageSend ]
collect: [ :state | {(#method −> state messageMethodName). (#stack −> state formattedStack)}
assignments do: [ :a | Transcript show: (a at: #method) , ' "Called in: ' , (a at: #stack) , '"'; cr ]
To run the second example in Pharo, do the following in a Playground:
Transcript show: 'II. Assignments query (Pharo):'; cr.
debuggeeProgramBlock := [ Program main ].
ps := debuggeeProgramBlock asProgramStates.
assignments := Query from: ps
select: [ :state | state isAssignment ]
collect: [ :state | {(#code -> state expressionCode). (#stack -> state formattedStack)} asDictionary].
assignments do: [ :a | Transcript show: (a at: #code) , ' "Called in: ' , (a at: #stack) , '"'; cr ]