I am a Data Engineer within CityGeo, a division of the City of Philadelphia's Office of Innovation and Technology. Before that, I held a graduate student internship with the Data department at the Cook County Assessor's Office.
I'm a recent graduate of the masters program in MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy (CAPP) at the University of Chicago.
Projects I've worked on include:
- questions_to_cards: Personal project; pandas-based pipeline for taking an archived database of quizbowl questions and converting it into category-tagged, single-clue digital flashcards.
- Plan-My-Transit ("Route Rangers"): Capstone project for "Software Engineering for Civic Tech"; takes in user information about frequent commutes, and shows the most in-demand gaps in existing public transit coverage to transit planners. Written in Django, with Postgres (PostGIS) backend; front-end visualizations powered by Leaflet.
- Analyzing Complaints Against A City Police Department with Natural Language Processing (NLP): Capstone project for "Advanced Machine Learning for Public Policy"; obtained a corpus of 2,148 PDF reports from a city's Civilian Office of Police Accountability, then performed topic modeling, named entity recognition (NER), and summarization tasks with state-of-the-art NLP models.
- Redistricting Redux: quarter-long project with a focus on software design, data ingestion via API, and data visualization. Written in Python (including geopandas and scikit-learn).
I enjoy coding challenges; I'm currently working through Advent of Code and Everybody Codes.
I'm also a game show champion.