No. The SQLite database hosting the contents is dumped on every deployment. No backups are kept with our hosting provider either.
Not at this time. There is no provision for passing HTML or other presentation attributes thru for display.
There is a TODO item to investigate MarkDown and MathJAX as options but it lower on my list of things to do right now.
In the Settings page, there is a section with buttons to Import, Export and Clear the Questions. By not selecting a JSON file on that page, it will automatically, load the initial_questions.json
file from the webroot directory.
Someone likely pressed "Clear Questions" on the Settings page. Go to "Settings" and press the "Import Questions" to reload the default questions or use the option to upload a JSON file to import Questions.
Try out our Github Issues for the project to ask and I will see about getting it addressed.
Copyright © 2024 J. Michael McGarrah [email protected]