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Certification Timed Multiple Choice Quiz WebApp

This application is a fully-fledged, dynamic quiz platform built using Flask, a lightweight web framework for Python. Here's a breakdown of its key features and functionalities.


  1. Multiple Quiz Categories:

    • The application supports multiple quiz categories, allowing users to select from different topics such as General, Science, and History.

    • Users can navigate to a specific category and take quizzes within that category.

  2. Configurable Settings:

    • Admins can configure the number of questions per quiz session and the quiz timer duration.

    • Settings are stored in an SQLite database and can be updated through a settings page.

  3. Dynamic Content Rendering:

    • The application uses HTML templates to render dynamic content. It leverages Jinja2 templating to insert data from the backend into the HTML pages.

    • Templates include placeholders for questions, options, and other content that changes based on the user interaction.

  4. Quiz Timer:

    • Each quiz session includes a timer, which counts down from a configurable duration (e.g., 5 minutes).

    • The timer ensures that quizzes are completed within a set time limit.

  5. Score Calculation:

    • The application calculates the user's score based on their answers and displays the result at the end of the quiz.
  6. Question Management:

    • Admins can add new questions to the quiz through a form on the edit page.

    • Each question includes the question text, multiple options, the correct answer, and additional details about the answer.

  7. Data Storage:

    • Questions, categories, and settings are stored in an SQLite database, making it easy to manage and retrieve data.
  8. Import Initial Questions:

    • The application can import initial questions from a JSON file, making it easy to bulk upload questions for different categories.

    • The questions import can also come from an external file from your browser that you upload.

Known Broken Things

  1. Hosted version available to checkout but sometimes need starting up
  2. Bootstrap navbars in template are missing fixed in v0.1.12
  3. JSON Schema checking is not implemented for import/export
  4. Pylint is not passing everywhere but lots better than earlier
  5. Pytest is completely missing
  6. Initial questions are not loaded on deployment and first startup fixed in v0.1.12
  7. HTML markup in some questions show up badly... looking on options
  8. Concurrency bug/issue in questions_export() function

I also have a that I actively use for working on the project.

Someday, I'll likely add a file for bigger features or document things I definitely won't be doing for whatever reasons.

I probably need a file but with this small and unnoticed, I'm probably okay for now.


Create a VEnv environment on Debian/Ubuntu. I'm using WSLv2 on a Windows 10 Pro 64-bit laptop for my development and testing.

First navigate to the top directory of the repository with the command line.

sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Note: If you run into issues with a zsh console session and trying to activate a virtualenv, just delete and recreate your venv environment.

If using VSCode, then add this launch.json file to a sub-directory called .vscode at the root of the project to setup debugging. You will need the Python Plugin installed for it to work.

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python Debugger: Flask",
            "type": "debugpy",
            "request": "launch",
            "module": "flask",
            "env": {
                "FLASK_APP": "",
                "FLASK_DEBUG": "1",
                "FLASK_ENV": "development"
            "args": [
            "jinja": true,
            "autoStartBrowser": false


SQLite Client

sudo apt install sqlite3
sqlite3 ./instance/quiz.db
> .help
> .schema category
> .quit

PostgreSQL client

sudo apt install postgresql-client
psql postgres://<username>:<password>@<servername><database>
> \q
source .venv/bin/active
pip install pgcli
pgcli postgres://<username>:<password>@<servername><database>
> \?
> \d
> select * from category;
> select count(*) from question;
> \q

Think about LazySQL as a future option. It looks interesting and featureful.

Python Libraries

Later when checking if libraries need updating...

cat requirements.txt
pip3 freeze
pip3 install Flask
pip3 install Flask-SQLAlchemy

To specify that the packages in your requirements.txt file should be installed at a certain version or newer, you can use version specifiers like >= followed by the version number. This ensures that when someone installs the packages, they get at least the specified version or any newer version. You can manually edit the requirements.txt file after generating it with pip freeze. Unfortunately, pip freeze does not provide an option to add the >= specifier directly.

Added Dependabot to Github Project... to solve this to some extent. So the requirements.txt file tracks on newer versions of libraries and reports them back.

Hosting on Koyeb

Legendary Quick Quiz is hosted on Koyeb as the primary demo site. Migrating from Ploomber exposed some issues in my setup and forced gunicorn which is a good thing. I'm using their integration to Github but they also have a Github Actions method as well. This has improved uptime and reliability so far.

Added the PostgreSQL database service option as well that is in their Hobby Plan (free tier).

Technical Components

  1. Flask:

    • Used to create the web application and manage routes.
    • Handles HTTP requests and responses.
  2. SQLAlchemy:

    • An ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library used for database interactions.
    • Models define the structure of the database tables.
  3. Jinja2 Templates:

    • Used to render dynamic HTML content.
    • Supports control structures like loops and conditionals for flexible content rendering.
  4. Bootstrap5

    • CSS to make presentation better and consistent
    • Took a look into bootstrap-flask library and found Bootstrap-Flask is actively maintained and uses BS4 while Flask-Bootstrap is older and not BS4. The Flask Bootstrap libraries are not significantly better than doing BS5 directly as I have done from a quick read.

Files and their Roles

Current as of 2024-12-15

├── favicon.ico
├── initial_questions.json
├── modules/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── quiz/
│   ├──
│   └──
├── requirements.txt
├── static/
│   ├── css/
│   ├── images/
│   │   └── tardis.png
│   └── js/
└── templates/
    ├── default.html
    ├── edit_categories.html
    ├── edit_questions.html
    ├── footer.html
    ├── navbar.html
    ├── quiz.html
    ├── select_category.html
    └── settings.html

This is very out of date now with the break up in to modules and separated files for sections of code.

The file is the core of your Flask application. It sets up the Flask server, defines the database models using SQLAlchemy, and manages the routes that handle various user interactions, such as viewing the quiz, editing questions, updating settings, and importing initial questions from a JSON file.

Models: Defines the structure of the data with SQLAlchemy models for categories, questions, and settings.

Routes: Handles different URLs and user interactions, including displaying quizzes, adding questions, and managing settings.

Functions: Includes functions for importing initial questions from a JSON file and updating settings.

  • /import_questions: Imports questions from a JSON file.

  • /: Displays the category selection page.

  • /quiz/int:category_id: Displays the quiz for the selected category.

  • /check_answers: Handles answer submission and calculates the score.

  • /edit_questions: Displays the page for editing questions.

  • /add_question: Adds a new question to the database.

  • /settings: Displays the settings page.

  • /update_settings: Updates the settings in the database.


A JSON file containing initial questions for different categories. This file is used to import questions into the database. Routes:

Templates files

In the context of a Flask application, template files are used to define the structure and layout of web pages. These files are typically written in HTML, but they can also include template syntax provided by Flask's template engine, Jinja2. This allows you to dynamically generate content based on the data passed from your Flask routes.


The quiz.html file includes the structure for the quiz page, including the timer, questions, options, and the form submission logic. The JavaScript function updateTimer() manages the countdown timer, and submitQuiz() handles the form submission and score calculation.


This edit_questions.html file provides a form to add new questions, including fields for the question text, options, correct answer, answer details, and category. It also lists existing questions along with their details and options.


This settings.html file provides a form to update the timer duration for the quiz and the number of questions per quiz session. The current values are displayed in the input fields, allowing the user to modify them and submit the form to save the changes.


The select_category.html file is designed to allow users to select the category of the quiz they want to take. This is particularly useful when your quiz application has multiple categories, such as General, Science, History, etc.

Copyright © 2024 J. Michael McGarrah [email protected]


Certification Timed Multiple Choice Quiz WebApp




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